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Third Pov

"She wants all of our Fishermen to move together?"

"What is she, stupid? Their "IT" will find us. It'll be over immediately."

"The Spear Bearer Revolutionaries should-"

"Don't you mean Revolutionary Airheads?" Hatsu cut in, slightly annoyed from the others' pathetic behaviour.


"After watching Team A, you should know that it's impossible to catch a Ranker. The woman's strategy to have the Fishermen scatter after seeing what their "IT" does may serve as a distraction. And we've got a Wave Controller and a Demon on our side- no matter how unpredictable the Demon may be." Hatsu explained, but the other two airheads didn't understand.

"Should I? That still won't impress the Test Administrators!!" One asked, pointing his spear at Hatsu's face.

"Yeah!! The Spear Bearer Revolutionaries will capture their "IT". AND YOU WILL HELP US!!" The other said, also pointing his spear at Hatsu.


--- Meanwhile, Serena and Hoh at the Starting Point ---

Hoh seemed stressed out as he bit the nail on his thumb with a contorted expression.

"Hey, Hoh," Serena called out.

Instantly, the tight expression was gone, replaced by his usual calm appearance. Serena crouched down, holding her knees to her chest.

"Are you still serious about climbing the Tower?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not. My life goal has been fulfilled. All I wanted was to get my clan's revenge and to have their horns back. But now that the perpetrators are all dead, I don't have a reason to climb anymore. Even if I did, I doubt that Cecelia would let me." Hoh answered lightheartedly, remembering the bloody heads.

Upon Hoh's request, (they had spoken briefly while Androssi was taking charge of the Team) Cecelia had burned the heads into nothing. His clans' bodies were long gone. He wouldn't be able to give them a proper burial even if he wanted to. BUt to Hoh, it didn't matter. His revenge was complete.

"Oh, I see. Well, I've lost confidence... I don't know if I'll be able to kill guys that I've come to like without hesitation." Serena continued.

"Then don't kill." Someone commented.


"Who's there?!"

"Calm down, it's just me. The Demon girl."

"Oh. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to stick with that Baam kid?" Serena asked.

"Yes, but you see, I have some unfinished business here," Cecelia answered, gesturing to Hoh.

"As for your problems, there's an easy solution. If you don't want to kill them, then team up with them. Protect them. And if you luck runs out and you find yourself having to battle against your friends, then do it for them. For yourself. You're going to continue killing. You're going to continue fighting. You're going to do it all. And no matter what the situation, there's going to be no hard feelings-"

"-Because you do it to climb the Tower." Cecelia and Hoh stated together.

Serena nodded, before walking away. She could generally guess what Cecelia was here for, and she wanted to give them some privacy and space.

"Hello, Hoh."


"I'm here to get the rest of my payment. Although I'm sure that you knew that already."

"Yes. I'm aware. And I'm prepared to go."

"Good." Cecelia cupped Hoh's cheeks, desire dancing hungrily within her blood-red orbs.

"Any last words?"

"I'd like you to burn my body. And I wanted to thank you. For making a contract with me. To be honest, I was losing confidence that I was going to be able to climb the Tower. So I'm glad that you were able to fulfill my wishes. I got to see the deaths of those mass murderers before I died."

"You're welcome."

And with a feathery light kiss, Hoh's body crumpled to the ground. Serena turned around in surprise, only to see his body disintegrating into nothing, being eaten away by the greedy blue flames. Cecelia turned to Serena, who looked terrified. All she did was place a finger on her lips- warning her to keep quiet of the incident.

And before Serena could even say anything, Cecelia was gone with a small poof.

--- Back to Hatsu ---


The two airheads apologized to Hatsu, bowing down on the ground.

"Stop wasting my energy." He calmly replied, holding the two spears in each of his hands.

"Hey!!" Hatsu called out once again, getting the two airheads' attention.

Tossing the two spears back to them, Hatsu focused on the presence that was looming closer with each passing second. The Ranker was approaching them.

"He's here. It's the Ranker. Hurry. We'll stop him here." Hatsu said, the announcement spreading through the members of the Team via Pocket communication.

"My plan worked," Androssi said, a smug smirk growing on her lips.

"Good. Baam, I'm back from my business. You haven't gotten hurt or anything, right?" Cecelia asked, having teleported to where Baam was.

She circled him, checking him from all angles like a worried Mama Hen.

"Y-yes, I'm fine, Cece. Nothing happened while you were gone." Baam replied, before noticing the smudge on Cecelia's lips.

"U-um... Cece, your lip gloss is smudged," He commented, wiping it off with his thumb.

Of course, this made Cecelia's pale face burn red from embarrassment and Androssi burn green with envy, but the innocent cinnamon roll didn't know that.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

For some reason, I keep thinking that Cecelia's taller than Baam when it's the opposite. Cecelia's 5'1 (155cm), and Baam's around 160cm. He's taller no matter how you look at it!! And Koon's even taller than Baam is!! Stop screwing me over, mind!! 

2.9 pages, 932 words

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