And Here We Go Again (3)

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Third Pov

"Then you'll be able to control it someday. You're more than powerful with your magic and insane healing abilities. Anyways, I hear that both Androssi and Anaak's relationship was complicated from the start. Care to explain?" Koon said, taking a seat by the windows.

"Hm~? Just know that my information doesn't come for free, Koon. You'll have to pay up someday." Cecelia replied, her blood-red eyes flashing fushia for a split second.

Koon pouted and huffed, annoyed that she wouldn't be giving him information for free anymore. But he had been expecting it, so he couldn't object. Her usual smirk placed itself on her plump, pink lips as Cecelia started to explain in a hushed voice.

"Anaak is the daughter of Anaak Jahad. Her mother broke the rules of not having a boyfriend or having intercourse- she ran away with the cook that made the best chicken pies in the world. They got married and had Anaak Jahad Jr. The one that we're currently climbing the Tower with."

"Let me guess. The happiness didn't last?" Koon muttered, sipping his canned coffee.

"Obviously. Jahad sent other Princesses after them. In the end, Anaak Jahad and her father were killed. Their home was set on fire. I don't know how, but Anaak Jr. managed to get away safely. She's planning on killing Jahad and all of his family for revenge." Cecelia finished explaining.

"Betrayed and killed by her sisters..." Koon muttered, before noticing the small smirk on Cecelia's beautiful face.

"You're not telling us something." He said, narrowing his royal azure-coloured eyes.

"Maybe. Who knows?"

"Either way, they're incredibly stupid," Koon said, letting out a sigh.

"Pursuing love isn't stupid, Koon. I's say that it's romantic. Although, unfortunately, it ended badly..." Baam argued.

"No, not Anaak's past. I meant the two Princesses. For fighting each other." Koon clarified.

"Incredibly stupid? I wouldn't say that." Baam replied, taking a seat opposite Cecelia.

"To advance through the Tower's tests, you have to take someone else down. Self-destructing when you're blessed with so much power is nothing less than stupid."


"It's sad to see an acquaintance drop out, isn't it?" Shibisu uttered, appearing out of nowhere and wrapping an arm around Baam's shoulders.


"If someone you were close to, especially me, were to disappear, it'd be especially sad!!" Shibisu complained, crying crocodile tears.

Koon frowned at the scene in front of him, subconsciously pulling Cecelia closer towards him when Hatsu appeared as well. Cecelia blinked dumbly, wondering the reason why Koon was suddenly displaying affection(?) publically. He was the last person that she expected to show any signs of PDA (Public Display(s) of Affections) and yet, here they were.

She was practically in his arms as Koon and Hatsu glared at each other. Baam was dealing with a crying Shibisu while trying to understand Koon's actions towards Cecelia.

"Is your friend-making not going well?" Koon asked.

Shibisu held up a sheet with nine people on the list.

"You're almost there." Koon continued.

"But the deadline is today!! There's no time left!!" Shibisu complained.

"Sorry. It's my fault." Hatsu commented, seeming slightly apologetic about his actions.

"Don't be so standoffish!! We're friends, aren't we?!"

Koon casually sipped his canned coffee, while Cecelia took the chance to climb onto Koon's lap. Needless to say, he was very flustered about having her on his lap.

"Hey!! You're heavy!!"

"No way. I'm levitating right now. And you're the one that pulled me closer in the first place!! Deal with the consequences!!"

"Hah?! I didn't pull you close!! Why would I do that?"

"How would I know?! I can't read your subconscious!! Plus, I bet that you like having me on your lap!!"

While the two squabbled, Baam focused his attention on Hatsu and Shibisu. He wanted to help them if he could- he regarded them as friends, after all. His small world, which had consisted of Cecelia and Lahel- was rapidly growing larger. And he didn't want to lose any of it.

"Is there anything we can do?" Baam asked.

"Were you listening to anything I said? The Tower's tests are fiercely competitive." Koon retorted.

Koon had given up trying to win against Cecelia in a verbal fight- as her points were mostly true. He let the female sit in his lap, sipping his coffee with one hand while holding her waist with the other.

"I know, but I don't want to lose the friends I've made," Baam replied, trying his best to ignore Cecelia, who was being held quite tightly in Koon's arms.

It wasn't like him, but at the same time, something about the scene was so..... natural.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Koon's slowly starting to realize his feelings for Cecelia!! *Gasp* 

Warning: Koon and Baam may end up being a little OOC along the way as the romance(s?) continues!!

2.6 pages, 814 words

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