FUG Slayer (3)

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Pic edited by yours truly.

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Brief Third Pov

The other Regular's eyes grew as big as saucers at the sight before them.

Cecelia had sprouted three pairs of majestic, black-feathered wings from her back, shielding Baam from the bomb completely. With a gentle flap, the heavy smoke dispersed. Putting her wings away, Cecelia turned back to her boyfriend, who was on one knee.

"B- Viole, are you all right?" She whispered, checking over Baam for any injuries.

Baam nodded, frowning just as the bell signalling the end of the first phase of the floor test.



The rest of the Regulars awkwardly glanced at Baam and Cecelia, who walked to the elevator first. Leaving the other Regulars in their group behind, Cecelia and Baam watched the elevator door close.

--- Baam Pov ---

I quietly held Cece's hand, feeling her cold fingers entwine with mine. When we left the elevator hand in hand, we found that we were alone in a big room with a stage. I took a seat against the stage with Cece in my arms once again, silently relishing in the feelings of comfort and safety she brought me.


I nipped the tip of her pointy ear when she called me Baam.

"I told you to call me Viole in public," I whispered, feeling her nuzzle into the crook of my neck.

"But we're alone... for now." She whined, before chuckling.

The rest of the Regulars in our group arrived shortly after, either looking grossed out or confused by us. I dropped my face, trying to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. Stop staring at us!! I yelled internally.

"What? Never seen two people in love before?" Cece commented haughtily, waving the others away.

The next person that entered was a well-built man wearing animal fur. He was covered in blood and wounds, and it was obvious that he was as good as dead- without help.

"P- Please- help me-!! This is my last chance-" He begged, helplessly lying on the well-furnished wooden floor of the room with his blood pooling around him.

I watched absent-mindedly as Cece pointed a slim finger towards the male, who began to cough violently and clutch at his chest. A sadistic, barely noticeable smirk grew on the pink lips that I loved so much.


"Ah. His spine broke..." Cece muttered in realization, the other Regulars freezing at the comment.

A tense silence fell over the room as a glowing ball of light floated out of the male's body.

"Even with help, you'll end up dying. So the best thing that you can do for any of us here, is to become my snack." Cece said to no one in particular, as the ball of light floated across the room and into her small hand.

The two new groups of Regulars watched in horrified silence as Cece casually dropped the ball of light into her mouth. Then she scrunched her nose up in the adorable manner that always made me smile. It was a habit that she did every time she ate something bitter- in this case, it would be the male's soul.

"How could you- How could you?!" The young woman from our group- Goseng, was it?- yelled, standing up and stomping over to us angrily.

"What?" Cece questioned, getting off of my lap to face the woman.

"You have a problem?" She continued, smirking.

"How could you do that to the poor man!! He could've lived if we'd helped-"

"None of you would be alive right now if it wasn't for my boyfriend wanting to take the lead today. If it was up to me, I would've done the exact same thing that I did to that dead male to every single one of you."

A predatory gaze grew stronger in Cece's blood-red eyes as she took a step closer to the young woman in front of her. Cece licked her lips, gazing into the woman's terrified eyes.

"My my~ To find such an amazing gem here of all places!! A true Demon!! In the flesh!!" Someone exclaimed, walking over to Cece with his arms outstretched.

It was a male around my height, who had purple hair, pale skin, and was wearing a matching purple suit. He was, without a doubt, arrogant.

Distaste grew in the pit of my stomach as he put an arm around Cecelia's shoulders, giving her a sly smirk.

"Why don't you leave that depressed-looking guy and come to me? I'll treat you very well." He suggested, leaning just a bit too close towards Cece for my liking.

"What the fuck is this piece of bullshit?" Cece asked to no one in particular, disgust all over her face as she pushed the purple-haired male away from her and walked back to me.

With a spare handkerchief, I wiped the place where the male had touched Cece.

The purple-haired male glared at me, before turning his gaze over to Cece once again. He then pulled up a pretty-looking girl with black hair and pink eyes by the wrist and gestured towards us with his chin.

"Attack them." He ordered.


"Did you not hear me? Attack them."

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2.6 pages, 900 words

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