Cards Against Humanity (3)

378 16 1

(Happy Together by The Turtles)

Song of the chap!!

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Baam Pov

As the others took some extra time to pick out their cards carefully, I gave Cece a light glare through my long bangs. I was thankful for the moment of carefree happiness that she provided me with, but right now, this game may as well be the end of me. I let out a small sigh, not noticing the air around us get twice as tense as a result.

"Don't worry, guys. No one in here will get a single scratch from us until the Test starts. I promise you on that." Cece stated, allowing the group to relax slightly.

"So relax, enjoy yourself, and pick out whatever card you think is funny." She concluded, picking out a white card herself.

It took a bit longer for them to pick out their cards, but they picked one out per person nonetheless. Cece gave me a devilish smirk as she passed the small stack of white cards to me, looking as innocent as the white dress wrapped around her body.

"During sex, I like to think about running out of semen."


The others found the famous FUG Slayer Candidate saying such things hilarious and terrifying in itself. You could tell. Cece was most definitely having the time of her life- and a part of me said that that was enough. The other part, however, wanted to tease her to the point where she would be begging for forgiveness beneath me. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I continued.

"During sex, I like to think about giving 110%."

"During sex, I like to think about Harry Potter erotica- what's Harry Potter?" I asked, not understanding what "Harry Potter" was.

"It's a book based on a modern world filled with witches and wizards," Goseng explained.

"Hm." I nodded in understanding, noticing Cece's shoulders shake from uncontrolled laughter.

"During sex, I like to think about spontaneous human combustion."

"P- pfft- HAHAHAHAHA" Cece started to laugh out loud, unable to contain her laugher any longer.

Everyone gave her a confused or slightly disgusted look as she continued to laugh about how spontaneous human combustion was funny. I couldn't really see it- but then again, she was one for dark humour.

"During sex, I like to think about casually suggesting a threesome."

Cece's laughter grew even louder. Most of the others blushed at my words. Cece... I swear... let's see if you're laughing when we get back to our room. I grumbled to myself, making a silent promise.

"W- HAHAHA -What act of sluttery towards my boyfriend is this?" Cece asked, wiping the tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

But the interrogation didn't proceed as I read the next combination out loud.

"During sex, I like to think about A ball of earwax, semen, and toenail clippings-"

"That's so gross- HAHAHAHAHA"

By the time I had read all of them, I could feel how hot my face was from embarrassment. Understanding what the cards said and having to read them out loud in front of other people was completely different.

"I choose the card that says "Giving 110%"."

"Wait, why? Aw, is Cinnabun worried about doing his best~?" Cece cooed, making the last strand of my patience disappear out an imaginary window.

"Huh? Wait, Viole- what're you-?!"

Without another word, I picked Cece up and threw her over my shoulder, before leaving the room towards ours. Wangnan ran out after us, staring with a confused expression as I walked away with a lightly struggling Cece on my shoulder.

"I'll come back for the game later!!" Cece hollered, waving them goodbye.

--- Third Pov ---

"What just happened...?" Wangnan asked to no one in particular, wondering if they'd done something wrong to anger Viole.

"It's probably because Red kept provoking him. I bet 500 points that she'll be back with love bites all over her neck tomorrow." Arkraptor explained, being the only one with relationship experience.




Meanwhile, Baam ignored Cecelia's protests and was faithfully carrying her over to her room where they'd have complete privacy.

"Are you angry because I made you play the game? I'm sorry... I thought you were having fun, though."

"I lied."


"I don't think about giving 110%. I don't think about balls of earwax, semen, or toenail clippings, either. I don't think about spontaneous human combustion or weird magic world erotica. And the thought of sharing you with someone makes me uncomfortable."

"Wait- but that means-"

"So for tonight, you have only yourself to blame for provoking me."

"Wait- calm down- Baa- I mean, Viole, we can talk about this!!"


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Why'd you provoke Baam, Cecelia? You know that you'll be the one getting the short end of the stick! (Not that either of you'd be complaining at the end) Her blush meter be at 110% (LOL)

That's the end of the Cards Against Humanity game- I may or may not bring it back later on. Leave a comment and tell me if you've enjoyed it or not!!

2.6 pages, 855 words

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