Trustworthy Room (2)

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WEBTOON: Season two, no.94

~~~ RULES~~~

Goal: Collect six rooms and eight allies before Viole collects Yeon Yihwa's room.

Note: Only the first team to collect all six rooms and eight allies will pass the test.

Condition: You are not allowed to take the remote out of the room that it's in. However, you are allowed to take the blue connector attached to the bottom of your connector with you. There must be at least one connector in the remote at all times. There must be at least one ally in the room that you've taken/joined, and one of the six rooms that you've collected must be Yeon Yihwa's room.

Viole and Red wins if: The total number of Regulars goes below eight, or if Viole and/or Red manages to take Love's connector from him and collects Yeon Yihwa's room.

How to collect Rooms: You can open the door of your room using the remote. The remote has two connector ports at the bottom, and one blue button and one red button. If you plug your connector in the remaining port and press the blue button, then you've become allies with the people in the room. However, if you press the red button, you can steal the Regulars' room.

--- Third Pov ---

After Love requested to fight him, Love explained the rules of the game- and declared that he was waiting for Viole in the bath.

Baam felt his heart freeze at the Ranker's statement. His mind went blank.


Viole hurried out of Red's room and headed towards the baths, throwing his clothes on and tying his hair up along the way. I should've gone to find her when she didn't return by the time the lights went out!! She could've been in the baths, needing my help or getting beaten by that Ranker, but all I had been doing was relaxing on the bed!! He thought furiously, worst-case scenarios swarming through his mind like a hive of angry bees.

"HEY, FUG!!! WHERE ARE YOU?! DON'T BE SUCH A COWARD!! COME BACK AND FIGHT ME!!" Prince screamed, running down the halls like a maniac.

Just as he walked out of his room, Viole had run past him, holding his flannel with his teeth and tying his hair up. Of course, Prince went after the brunette, trying to get Viole to fight him. But the yelling and hollering didn't last long- since Prince's henchman, Lucker (the guy who loaned Wangnan money) came running with a panicked look on his face.

"Young master!! Young master!!" Lucker called, huffing and puffing.

"What? Hey, did you see that FUG bastard on your way here, by any chance?" Prince questioned nonchalantly.

"Young master, that's not the problem right now. I'm on my way back from your room- and I saw- I saw--"

"Saw what, Lucker? Spit it out."



"I saw the Devil's Right arm, dead!!"

While Prince and Lucker hurried away to confirm the fact that RapDevil, or also known as "The Devil's Right Arm", was dead, Viole had arrived at the baths. Instead of going into the men's baths where Love was, Viole walked into the women's bath, searching for Red.

But for some reason, she was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe we missed each other...? Or maybe she forgot the room number? She might've gotten lost... Viole thought, listing out all the possibilities and the reasons why Red wasn't in the baths like she said she would be.

He could only take deep breaths and try to not overthink things as he tried to keep his internal demons at bay.


"Cece— I- I've killed someone..." Baam said, crying as he shook in fear.

"Oh Baam..."

Cecelia pulled the boy into her arms, patting his back in a comforting manner. She'd hoped to protect the boy as long as she could from the harshness of the Tower, but Baam being dragged into FUG was an unforeseen event.

And obviously, they'd jumped at Cecelia- or rather, the Red Tanager's absence as a chance and used it to get Baam to complete his first "kill".

"I'm a monster, Cece..." Baam mumbled.

"No, Baam. You're a victim. A victim of the Tower and a victim of FUG." Cecelia replied, soothing Baam.

"Promise me that you won't leave me... promise me that you won't let me become a monster."

"I promise to do everything I can."


Pushing the day's dark thoughts away from his mind, Viole walked into the men's bath. And as he said he was, Love was waiting for him. Red was nowhere in sight, even in the men's bath.

"Are you looking for something, FUG?" Love questioned, frowning slightly.

The Ranker could tell that there was something distressing the FUG Slayer candidate.

"What did you do with Red?" Viole asked, his voice calm but on the brink of insanity.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I apologize for the small update!! I'm having multiple existential crisis. Grade 12 is just around the corner, as well as University. Not to mention that I'll be a legal adult in January... long story short, I'M NOT READY FOR THIS

Thank you for understanding.

2.5 pages, 862 words

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