Irregular (7)

483 21 7

Third Pov

"But that rule applies to tests run by the administrators. Let me take the Administrators' Test." Koon requested, surprising HanSung Yu.

"I'll take the Administrator's Test is you let Michelle Light participate," Koon said once again.

"How do you know about the Administrator's Test?" HanSung Yu asked.

"As you said, I'm a member of the Koon family. I also have a Demon with a very nice information network as a friend. Does that answer your question?"

"The Administrator's Test is very difficult. It would be easier to take the normal test."


"-You heard him," Koon replied, making HanSung Yu let out a sigh.

"Your confidence is taller than the Tower itself. But it seems you're not aware of the other condition."


"Only one who opens the Tower's doors on their own... Yes, only an Irregular can negotiate to take the test." HanSung Yu stated, just as Cecelia muttered the same statement.

Damn it!! If it was for Cuddlecake, I would've gladly done it. But this is for Lahel, a human that I can't even stand to look at. But if I don't do it, Baam will!!! Cecelia thought to herself, grabbing at her long, white hair in frustration and mild panic.

"But..." Koon muttered, now knowing the full truth.

"If you understand, then take your sea-"

"Excuse me!! Let me see the Administrator." Baam and Cecelia stood up, speaking at once.

They gave each other a confused glance.

"Were you listening?" HanSung Yu questioned.

"Yes," Baam replied.

"That's why I'm asking!!" Cecelia butted in.

"Cuddlecake, let me take care of this!! I don't want you taking a dangerous test with the Administrator!!" She fought, only for Baam to argue back.

"But I don't want you getting hurt either!! Plus, this is something that I want to do on my own!"

"Baam? Cecelia?" Lahel muttered, confused by the two's outburst.

"I... we... We're an Irregular!!" Baam announced, putting the other Regulars in a state of confusion and astonishment.

"An Irregular? Both of you?" Koon sputtered, obviously shocked to his core.

"Very well. But only one of you can take the test. Both of you, follow me." HanSung Yu stated, leading both Cecelia and Baam away from the seminar room.




"Michelle, Cecelia and I cannot go any further," HanSung Yu said, standing outside a massive pair of doors.

Baam gave Michelle a comforting smile, before turning to Cecelia. She wasn't happy about Baam taking the test. He still hadn't been able to explain his reason for choosing Lahel to Cecelia, and they weren't leaving each other while being on the best of terms. This was discomforting for the two of them.

"Cece... I'll come back. I promise. And when I do, I'll explain everything, okay?" Baam said, giving her a tight hug.

"You'd better come back, and you'd better explain everything when you do. If you die, I'll personally go to Heaven or to Hell to get your soul back." Cecelia grumbled, returning the hug.

--- Meanwhile ---

The rest of the Regulars were waiting at a different room, talking amongst themselves.

"Um, what's an "Irregular"?" One asked.

"I DON'T KNOW EITHER. DOES IT TASTE GOOD?" Rak asked, before thinking back to how Koon had Kissed Cecilia last night, and how Baam had kissed her, too.

"Hmm... maybe it's just white turtle that testes good..." He muttered to himself.

"It's exactly what it sounds like." Shibisu started.

"An "Irregular" is someone that came into the Tower on their own instead of being "chosen" like us." He explained.

"Is that a bad thing?" A different Regular asked.

"First, they've broken the Tower's rules. And it's said that great calamity strikes every time an Irregular appears." Shibisu continued explaining.

"If we side with them, we'll be outcasts, too," Paracule complained.

"One can hope that's all that happens. You're currently being offered a choice. If you assist Baam and Cecelia and pass the test, you'll all earn the right to climb the Tower by the shortest and quickest route. But you'll be branded as an Irragular's accomplices forever. What will you choose?" Lero Ro told the Regulars.

"The choice is obvious. We won't help him. What has he ever done for us?" Paracule objected.

"You passed thanks to Baam. You're also not dead thanks to Baam." Hatsu commented.

"But I agree with that. Sorry, but if they're an Irregular, then things are different. I can't offer them any more assistance." Koon stated.

"Aww~ I'm hurt." Cecelia cut in, the other Regulars moving away from her as a blue-black aura emanated from her.

"Let's all boycott against poor ol' Cecelia and Baam, huh? You should all be very disappointed by the fact that Cuddlecake isn't here to stop me right now. I'm in a very bad mood, and I'd be exhilarated to go on a killing spree!!"

"Calm down, Cecelia. They're just acting." Laure commented, stopping Cecelia from going berserk.

"Oh wow. I must be really out of it if I didn't notice that. I usually notice Koon's third-rate acting, but today must be a special day."

"Shut it, Celia!!" Koon grumbled.

"So you all made the same choice, then. All that's left is to wait for Baam's results." Lero Ro confirmed.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Needless to say, they all agreed to help Baam and Cecelia.

2.7 pages, 896 words

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