Meeting Lahel (2)

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Third Pov

Baam sprang to his feet, jumping to Lahel's aid. But on his way there, he accidentally pushed Cecelia, causing her to lose focus and control over the barrier around her head. The crown drifted off of her as she was pushed back.


But Cecelia isn't our human. She's not human at all. Within the milliseconds that she had, she pushed Baam out of the way, a pair of magnificent, iridescent blue and green-black feathered wings practically exploding out of her back and wrapping around them like a cocoon.


The sickening sound of bone being broken resounded through the room as the staff hit the back of Cecelia's head before her wings could wrap around her completely.

I'm sorry, Koon. Rak. For leaving the throne. But Baam is more important to me. A blow like this won't harm me, but it certainly will hurt Baam. She thought, trying to blink the black blood out of her eyes. The strike wasn't painful- to her, anyway- and the wound would heal in a few minutes. But the problem was that she was off of the throne.


"Black turtle!! White turtle!!"

I- I have to protect Lahel-- Baam thought as his mind went blank from shock. Hot blood dripped onto his face as Cecelia kept her wings around them, caging his body with her own. But if she had known what would happen next, she definitely wouldn't have wrapped her wings around the boy.

Seven enormously thick pillars of Shinsu emanated from Baam, hitting the ceiling. Cecelia's wings couldn't hold all that force inside. They ripped away from her body, disintegrating into nothing. When the attack was over, Baam struggled to his feet, walking over a heavily bleeding and wingless Cecelia. He picked up her scythe with some difficulty and raised it over his head to bring the final blow upon the black bodysuit-wearing female.

But before he could do so, a hand stopped him, the scythe disappearing in a puff of smoke.


And with an expert chop to the neck, Baam was unconscious.




Since the crown had been destroyed during Baam's rampage, the game ended up without a winner. Lero Ro decided to give all regulars a three-day break since he deemed that it would be necessary for some of the more... injured ones should get rest.

"Will Baam wake up?" Koon muttered, sitting behind Cecelia.

"Hm? Yeah. I just knocked him unconscious so that he won't end up doing something that he'd regret later on. And he already got his revenge by taking that black skintight suit girl's right eye anyway."

A stack of clean cloth and gauze sat beside him as he washed off the blood carefully. The two were in the bathroom, Koon helping Cecelia with her "minor" wounds. As he began stitching her mangled back, which had already begun to repair itself, he couldn't help but ask.

"What are you truly?"

"Hmm? What do you think I am?" Cecelia asked, a playful tone in her voice.

"Wait, before you answer that- are you all right? Your wings were ripped off!! And your back looks as though you've been mauled by a vicious animal. I can see your heart from here, you know."

"Yes. You can probably see my un-beating heart. And my non-functioning lungs."

"But you breathe."

"Only because I don't want to scare others like you and Baam. I don't need sleep or food, either."

"Doesn't need sleep or food, has fast healing powers, can control magic like the ancient beings that originally ruled the Tower... eats souls of the living..." Koon muttered, continuing to stitch her skin.

"...You're a demon." He concluded, freezing from the absurdity of it all.

"Ding ding ding~! Correct!!"

"But- I thought demons were extinct."

"Nope. Sure, there's a lot less of us running around, but we do exist. Most like to stay quiet or keep to themselves in Hell, underneath the Tower. Now, Are you done stitching? I can't speed up the process of growing my wings back if you're not done." Cecelia whined.

"I'm almost done. If the other demons are staying in Hell, then how come you're in the Tower?"

"My main reason is Baam, and now you and Rak. But even before that, I wanted to get away from that boring place."

"Hell is boring? I can't see that." Koon commented, thinking back to all the rumours that he had heard about the place.

"For me, it is. And I'm glad that I decided to come. If I'd never left that day, I wouldn't have met Baam. And if I hadn't met Baam, then I wouldn't have been able to climb the Tower with him and get to know you and Rak."

"Heh. True." I said, getting the last stitch in place.

"There. That's the last-"

*Bubuling Bubuling*

"That's the intercom, isn't it?" Cecelia said, opening the washroom door for Koon as he was drenched with her black blood.

"Yeah... but no one should be visiting us." He replied, before opening the door.

Cecelia peeked over Koon's shoulder, ignoring the pair that burned at the rapidly growing bone stump in between her shoulder blades. Her mood was crushed to nothing as she noticed the blonde female standing in front of them.



"My name is Lahel. I have a request."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Heh. I got four chapters off of this episode. You should all be very happy since I just spent nearly six hours writing my ass off instead of studying for my chemistry unit test tomorrow- wait, today. It's 3:10 AM here. But I do admit that I have enjoyed writing these last few chapters. Cecelia's true identity isn't out yet, but we'll get there soon enough.

Now, here's a question for you all-

Who do you ship Cecelia with? Baam? Koon? Or maybe even Hatsu?

2.9 pages, 984 words

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