Well, That just Happened (2)

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Cecelia Pov

"Bye guys~! Thanks for visiting~" I said, waving the others goodbye.

I let out a sigh as I was finally left alone with Baam and Koon. Rak had left to take a nap in his room long ago, and now that the others were gone, I could finally take some Satanforsaken rest. But I had yet to take care of two other problems; Baam and Koon. The instant the others were gone, Baam practically ran into me, pulling me into one of his crushing hugs. This is happening more and more often... one day, he's going to get to a point where he won't even let me go alone somewhere... I grumbled to myself, mouthing to Koon for help.

He only smirked devilishly, before joining in on the hug.

"Please... please don't scare me like that again, Cece... I was... so scared that I'd lost you..." Baam muttered, nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

"My god, Celia. What did you do to make him this scared?" Koon asked, snickering to himself.

I took the sheets off of my bed and used my golem magic on it. The sheets formed an exact copy of me, moving and talking just like me. Koon looked very surprised.

"It feels different when you touch it since it was made from cloth. If I were to make it out of clay or something similar to the human body, the more realistic it can be. I sent one of those to Baam during the exam. But it got attacked, and crumbled to dust."

"Eh~? I see how that'll scare Baam. He's already terrified about the thought of you leaving as it is, and he saw you disintegrate into dust, then get "killed" in front of his eyes." Koon shook his head.

With a snap of my fingers, the copy reverted to a pile of cloth. I laid on my bed, expecting to spend the night wide awake as usual. Demons didn't need sleep, which meant that I would usually spend the time just lying awake in bed. And tonight would be no different. Or so I thought.

--- Third Pov ---

Baam had found an unfamiliar object in his pocket.

It was a small plastic package, labelled "Condom: new Strawberry flavour!". He tilted his head, wondering what it was. Condom... I think someone mentioned that briefly before... when was it? He wondered, staring off into blank space.

"Baam, what are you- uh." Cecelia gaped at the small pack in Baam's hands, completely frozen.

"Cece! Um, can you tell me what this is for? I found it in my pocket, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it." Baam requested, thrusting the small package in front of Cecelia.

"Um, uh, I- I don't know either!! Ask Koon!!" She exclaimed, her face turning pink at the sight of the package.

"Hey!! Why are you giving me that responsibility?!" Koon argued.

"You're a guy!! How am I supposed to explain elephant problems to him when I don't even have one?!"

"I don't know, you're a Demon!! You have plenty of experience, right?!"

"Excuse you, I'm a virgin!!"

"You're a virgin?! But you told me that Demons love getting laid!! What kind of Demon are you?!"

"A non-frisky one!!"

"Plus, we ended up sleeping together that night!! Doesn't that mean-"

In the end, Baam was the one to break the two up. He hugged his two dear friends, the condom still in his hands. The action managed to shut both Cecelia and Koon up successfully as they shared confused glances.

"It's okay. I'll go ask Shibisu." Baam stated.



Koon took the condom away from Baam, a very light blush overtaking his pale cheeks.

"You'll be ready for it someday. But not today." He stated, putting the small pink pack in his bag.

Baam looked surprised and confused but shrugged it off relatively quickly.

"That's all right. I have Cece, and that's enough." Baam commented, making Koon frown.

"Hey! What about me?"

"What, you want a piece of the action?" Cecelia retorted, wriggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"That's not what I meant and you know it, you dirty-minded woman!! As for you, Baam, do you know what you mean by the fact that it's enough to have Celia?"

"I don't need this pink package!!" Baam replied cheerfully.

"And so the misunderstanding deepens..." Cecelia murmured, making Koon pinch the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Koon, since when did you start calling Cecelia "Celia"? It's a nickname, right?" Baam asked, looking at his best friend in confusion.

"Not too long, since we agreed on the nickname on the night that we all got drunk... why?"

"I just thought that the nickname was really cute!!" Baam replied.

Cecelia merely watched the two converse, happy to have met the two males. Such adorable cinnamon rolls... you make my neverending life so much better, just with your presence. I'm glad that I met you. She thought, before deciding that she would call the two by their nicknames, too.

"It's not fair if you guys get to call me by my nickname but I don't get to call you guys by a nickname. Now, pick one!!!"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Comment nicknames!!! I have no idea what I'm going to call them.

2.5 pages, 886 words

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