Plans that went Awry (1)

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Third Pov

While Koon slept with his head resting on his arms, members of Team A watched Team B's fight. Needless to say, it was an unbelievable mess.

At one part, Androssi was securing her placement to continue climbing the Tower. In another part, Cecelia's golems were running rampant. Team B had pulled apart at the very seams, members escaping and betraying one another left and right.

"What do you think you're doing?" One of the Fishermen asked Androssi.

Having taken the lead position within Team B, Androssi had ordered the rest of the team members to split up into two groups. She would travel to the Goal with two Fishermen and Baam. Cecelia would just tag along. The other group would be composed of scouts and Spear Bearers, who would stall the Ranker and buy time for her group to get to the Goal.

Baam just stared at Androssi with a dazed expression. She had attacked one of the Fishermen that had joined her group, knocking him down to the ground. The other Fisherman took a defensive stance as he pointed his sword at Androssi.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had arrived at the home of fallen nobles." Cecelia started, an ominous smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Androssi? Cece?" Baam asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

Usually, Cecelia would've been the one to explain it to him. She always seemed to know what was going on, after all. But for some reason, she didn't do anything- except continue telling the story of an adopted young girl.

"The family was the least significant of the Ten Families. To produce a Princess of Jahad, they adopted talented girls and made them compete with each other."

Baam's eyes widened as he began to understand how the story was going.

"Their meals for the day were determined by how they placed during training." Cecelia continued, the smile starting to grow larger.

"High ranks were served luxurious full-course dinners, while low ranks were served cold, stale bread. And every day, while the girl gnawed on her stale, cold bread, the girl wished to know how the meals that her sisters had tasted like. Then... from a certain day forward, she got to eat all the food herself." By now, her blood-red eyes were glowing once again.

"And she lived happily ever after." Cecelia finished, snickering insanely to herself.

"W-what are those two talking about?" The Fisherman, who had been attacked by Androssi, asked to no one in particular, wiping his bloody nose.

"You still don't get it, dummy?" Androssi asked.

"History repeats itself... I know that all too well, I'm afraid." Cecelia chimed in.

"Gather all the Fishermen in one place and wait to see how the Ranker acts? Did you really fall for that?" Androssi said, looking all too pleased with her plan.

"Cece... did you know about this?" Baam asked, looking at the albino female.

"Why, yes. I was the one that killed her sisters, after all. In exchange for the place as the Princess of Jahad, I was promised her sisters' souls and an alliance. Of course, if she wasn't able to become the Princess of Jahad, her soul was forfeit." Cecelia confessed.

To Baam, Cecelia was the most important to him- just as Lahel was. A part of him loved her, while another part of him couldn't understand her. But to him, that was okay. He loved her, and no matter what happened, she wouldn't leave him all alone. And for now, that was enough.

Demons were creatures that trampled over the lives of others, leaving nothing but death and destruction behind. He accepted all the blood, death, and murder that she had committed. Just as humans killed animals for themselves, Demons were just living true to their nature.

As Cecelia had told him so before, there was nothing wrong with humans not being at the top of the food chain.

He could understand and accept Cecelia- no matter what she did. But to Baam, what confused him was Androssi. She had killed people that she called her "sisters" for the sake of tasting new food. To his world, where friends were like family to him, he couldn't quite comprehend the reason why she had decided to make a deal with the Devil.

"Don't look so sad. You're spoiling your adorable face," Androssi commented, giving Baam a wry smile.

".....Was this your goal all along?" The Fisherman with the sword asked.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Human psychology is something that will always fascinate me.

I apologize for the late update!! It's the end of the school year, so there are lots of projects to complete. It'll be late next week as well.

2.5 pages, 816 words

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