Getting to Know Each Other (2)

790 49 14

Baam Pov

I could faintly register the sound of voices talking near me. After making a contract with the Floor Administrator, I found myself to be mentally exhausted. Having fallen sleep in my room, I was plagued with nightmares of Cecelia leaving me- just like Lahel did.

"Scarlet Tanager? What kind of bird is that?" Koon asked.

"It's a songbird with scarlet feathers on its body. It's 16~17cm (about five~six inches) long, and has black wings and tail feathers." Cecelia answered.

The scent of Earl Grey tea and herbs infiltrated my olfactory system, reminding me of Cecelia. We had drunk Earl Grey tea together many times before we had entered the Tower. It was her favourite type of tea, and she always carried some with her. That's probably why she smells like Earl Grey... I thought, sleep still heavily lacing my mind.

Despite being many, many years older than me, Cecelia was always shorter than me. I didn't know my exact age, but I was sure that she was a lot older than I was. Unlike me, she was always a lot cooler in body temperature. I held the object in my arms tighter, the familiar scent of tea and herbs, coupled with the cool temperature soothing my tired mentality.

It feels nice to be holding this... whatever it is... I realized.

"Ah! His fingers twitched. Baam, are you awake?" Koon called out to me.

"You'll ruin your sleep schedule if you sleep any more, Baam. Come on, get up. And let Cecelia go, too." He continued.

Cecelia tensed as I let out a sigh. I opened my eyes, being met with the sight of snow-white hair and pale skin, along with Koon's smirking face. Wait, what am I- I hurriedly sat up, feeling a heavy blush taking my cheeks. Why is Cecelia in bed with me?! Wait, did I do that? I thought that I was dreaming!! Her face was red, the blush leading to the ends of her pointed ears. Have I been holding her all this time?!

--- Cecelia Pov ---

I would never admit it out loud, but it felt quite pleasant to be held so gently like that. Very embarrassing, but very nice. It made my cold, dead heart skip a beat in its spot.

"Now that Baam's awake, I have another question. How do Demons breed?" Koon asked, making me choke on my spit.

Too abrupt!! Too soon!! I haven't recovered from the cuddling yet!! I mentally screamed my mental self overloading. My face would most likely be as red as a tomato by now, with no hope to recover for a little while. Calm down, me!!

"Demons are a naturally virile and fertile race. They can have children with humans, angels, grim reapers, and other Demons. Although it's pretty rare, sometimes humans are turned into Demons. Or in even rarer cases, Satan decides to make more out of Hellfire or something like that." I explained, trying my best to not fidget or blow my head off under Koon's intense gaze.

Baam was still recovering from sleep, although the blush on his face was evident.

"Hmm... how about you?"

"Me? I have Demon parents."

"You said that Demons are immortal, right? How old are you?" Koon asked, Baam listening attentively to our conversation.

Now that Baam wasn't holding me down anymore, I was able to sit up and properly meet Koon's eyes. 

Koon Aguero Agnis. One of Eduan's many sons. Disowned and kicked out of the family when he helped one of his relatives, Maria, to become the Princess of Jahad instead of his actual biological sister. However, due to the fact that his related sister wasn't able to become a Princess of Jahad, he was discarded and thrown away from his family. He may or may not have had a romantic relationship with Maria. .....Not that I care.

Various information regarding Koon flitted through my mind. Living for years on end had its perks. For example, you gain a massive information network- and you know everything that happens in and out of the Tower.

"My age? It's rude to ask such questions to a lady, you know!!" I retorted, giving him a playful glare.

"But to be honest, I lost track. According to my dad, I was born around the same time as when the Tower first appeared."

Both Koon and Baam's jaws dropped in awe. It was to be expected, considering how I've just told them that I was about as old as the Tower itself.

"Now, enough of me. Why don't you tell me more about yourself, Koon? It's only fair that you share information about you too." I started, staring at the male expectantly.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Some Baam x Cecelia fluff!! And we get to know more about Cecelia!! Baam is a very lonely boy... a very lonely cinnamon roll... he's terrified that he'll get left behind and all alone once again. Not that that'll ever happen with Koon and Cecelia around. Even Rak would stick by his black turtle. I want to give both Koon and Baam a big hug... \(T^T)/ But since I can't, Cecelia will do that for me. (LOL)

These are some filler chapters. Just for fun, and because I felt like it, and so that you, my dear readers, will get to know more about Cecelia. And also because the long periods of waiting for new episodes are hard to bear. 

Question: If Cecelia started dating Koon, what would they call each other? What if Cecelia started dating Baam? Any cute nickname suggestions? Leave a comment and let me know what you think!! (Truthfully, your dear author has never dated before so she has no idea how that would work ^.^')

2.8 pages, 961 words

DESIREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora