Position Selection (4)

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If I end up in the ToG Universe, I want to sing this song to Baam. For sure.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Koon Pov

How come she's taking his side and not mine? So what if he believes in "not harming the body" or whatever? I grumbled to myself, heading back to my room. They're all stupid, the lot of them!!

"So what if I wear earrings?" I muttered, touching the blue accessories gently.

"There's nothing wrong with wearing earrings, Koon." A soft voice answered, making me jump up onto my feet in surprise.

"Says the person who took Hatsu's side during the argument."

Cecelia stood behind me, her usual smirk on her face. She hadn't used the door to get into my room, which made me want to know how she had gotten inside without me noticing. But then again, she's not human, so...

"Correct~ I'm just using one of my many demon talents."

"What, can you read minds or something?" I questioned half-heartedly, still mad.

"To an extent."

She shrugged, before taking a seat on my bed. With a sigh, I sat down beside her, staring up into the ceiling.

"As I've said, there's nothing wrong with earrings." She started.

"So why did you take his side?"

"He believes in a certain tradition. It is important to love yourself, body and mind, but it's not wrong to wear earrings. I'm not taking sides, Koon. I just wanted to explain the situation and make you come to a mutual agreement. Although that plan went to Hell when you left." She explained.

I don't know the reason why I got so angry then I thought that she was taking his side and not mine. I usually don't get this upset or angry over such trivial matters... but it's just like when she lost her wings during the Crown Game. Feeling as though my heart fell into the pits of my stomach, the cold, clammy hands of fear crawling around my body. I thought, the scene of Cecelia falling onto the ground with blood pouring out from her back still a painfully clear image in my mind.

"I've... heard about your past." Cecelia started tentatively, knowing that it was a sensitive subject.

"Do you find me disgusting? Pitiful? Pathetic?"

"I wouldn't be here if I found you to be any of them. Koon, you're an intelligent, beautiful, talented, and a very amusing human being. You shouldn't hate yourself so."

Something melted in my heart as I heard her say those words.

"And like I've told Baam, I'll always be there for you." She said, giving me a bright smile.


"Good. I'll see you tomorrow, then. I have to fulfill my end of an agreement."

"Agreement? That's what you talked about with that sleepyhead, right? What did he make you do?" I asked, just as rolled off of the bed lazily.

"He didn't "make" me do anything. He signed the friend sheet for my Scout class so that I could pass the test, and in return, I'm going to answer three questions that he wants to ask me."

"I signed the sheet too. Will you answer three questions from me?" I asked, smirking slyly.

"I'll answer anything you ask, even if it's not for a deal. The same goes for Baam, too. See you!!"

With a chipper wave and a goodbye, she was gone. I didn't feel angry, but I did have a lingering question that was starting to grow in my mind.

If you're to choose between Baam and me, who will you choose?

--- Third Pov ---

*Bubuling Bubuling*

Cecelia walked into Laure's room, where the male sat himself down at the small table near the window, offering the female the seat opposite him.

"You're not yawning, slouching, or sleeping. Will the world be ending tomorrow?" Cecelia joked, lifting the tense atmosphere.

"What are you?" Laure asked, his words crisp and firm.

"I'm merely a demon. And if I were you, then I'd be very careful with how I spend those three- now two- questions."

"What's your relationship with Koon and Baam?"

"Hmm... friends?"

"So you haven't noticed it yourself... very well. As for my last question..."




While Laure and Cecelia were having a nice chat in Laure's room, Koon was stuck in his Light Bearer Class. He programmed this lighthouse, taking a little bit of time to get some research about a couple of people that he was interested in.

"This is boring... is this a computer class for old people?" He muttered to himself.

"Huh? This guy... so he passed. Not bad."

Koon stared at Rak's profile, noticing that the Gator had passed his Sear Bearer test. Compared to Rak, he couldn't find a lot of information about Lahel or Baam. He found unnaturally little information about the two. As for Cecelia, he couldn't even access the information as he didn't have the authorization of a high-level Ranker.

"Hmm... then how about her? Anaak Jahad..." But as he searched for information regarding the green lizard girl, he was faced with quite a surprising data record.

"...After becoming a Ranker, she was chosen to become a Princess and had the Green April bestowed upon her... That's odd. I mean... She's in the middle of taking a test to climb the Tower right now. ...But she's already dead?"

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I'm sorry if you found this new batch of chapters to be a little bland, but there wasn't that much action in this new episode. But I hope that you, my dear reader(s) enjoyed it!!

2.8 pages, 942 words

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