Well, That just Happened (1)

546 26 9

Koon Pov

Sounds of objects hitting the floor resounded through the antiseptic-smelling hallway as a group of Regulars came to visit Cecelia. Of course, the last thing they expected to see was Baam heavily kissing a practically naked Cecelia in the hallway.


"S- Sorry for interrupting!!"

"I didn't see anything, continue!!"


"Why is her neck angled that way?"

"Why is black turtle eating white turtle's mouth?"

Baam didn't seem to have any intentions of stopping, and Cecelia was too dazed to figure out what was happening. I forcefully pulled the two apart, whisking the dazed female with the broken neck to her room before anyone could attract even more attention. The others followed, of course, bombarding Baam with questions. Behind the safety and privacy of her room, the two of us hurried to make her presentable and less... naked.

"Koon, help me fix my neck- quick!!" Cecelia said, confusing me.

"How am I supposed to fix your broken neck?!"

"I don't know, move it around until you hear a gross cracking noise!!"

I grabbed her head in my hands and did as she instructed- move it around until you hear a gross cracking noise. Meanwhile, Cecelia dressed in a simple black-and-gray dress.

"Damn. Magic's handy." I muttered to myself, as the dress dissolved into a shroud of black clouds.

The black clouds wrapped itself around Cecelia's body and formed into the dress that I had seen floating around in the air a mere second ago.

"It doesn't help me increase my stamina or my strength," Cecelia grumbled in response.

"I know. We've been there."

"Shut up and fix my neck al-"



"Done." I breathed, managing to take a seat on one of the couches in her room just as the rest of the gang poured into her room.

"Hah!! I knew it!! She's not hurt at all!!"

"No way!! Her head was all angled weird, remember? I bet that Koon just helped her fix her broken neck!!"

"Spill it, Baam!! Are you and Cecelia not dating?!"

"Yeah!! What was with that kiss!?"

"Black turtle!! Was white turtle tasty?"

Hatsu, Shibisu, Rak, Laure (who had been silent the entire time), Anaak, and a very disapproving Androssi walked into the room, most carrying food.

"What do you mean, was I tasty? I'm not food, Rak!!" Cecelia complained, yelling at Rak.

"But you are tasty," I whispered, making her blush a million shades of red.


"For someone that had a broken neck just a few seconds ago, you sure are energetic..." I muttered, letting out a small sigh.

"You are okay now, right?" Baam questioned, feeling Cecelia's neck and checking to make sure that it wasn't broken.

"I could have my head lopped off and still be fine, Baam. Breaking my neck won't kill me." Cecelia answered, surprising everyone else in the room.


"It's just how Demon Anatomy works, I guess." She shrugged, gesturing for everyone to sit down.

Fruits and snacks floated around as Cecelia used her magic to peel the fruit and place the chips out in midair. It spun around slowly in circles, letting everyone take their pick and eat to their content.

"It's a floating snack buffet table!!" Shibisu exclaimed, happily eating the snacks.

Cecelia took her seat beside me instead of Baam like she usually would. Was it because of the kiss? Hopefully, nothing changes between those two... I thought to myself, noticing how Baam glanced at Cecelia ever so often. Androssi sent a huff or two towards Cecelia and Baam once in a while, her disapproval clear.

"The Rankers stopped the broadcast pretty soon after the exam started, so we have no idea what happened in there. Care to explain?" Anaak asked.

"Our Team was a disaster. Everyone was betraying each other left and right. Then we got to end, and I receive the other half of Hoh's soul-" Cecelia started, only to get cut off.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. What do you mean, the other half of Hoh's soul?" Shibisu asked in confusion.

"A few days ago, Hoh made a Demon contract with me. In return for getting his massacred clan's revenge, he'd give me his soul in return. I'd taken half of his soul to prove his commitment and willingness for the contract, fulfilled his revenge, then received the other half. After that, the red-haired Ranker, Quant, tried to kill me."


"Because I'm a Demon. He probably has some kind of vendetta against my kind or something." Cecelia shrugged, moving closer to me when Baam decided to come to sit down beside her.

He rested his head on her shoulder and held her hand tight. It was as though he was trying to prove to himself that she wasn't dead or was a figment of his imagination. Cecelia pet his hair, reassuring the brunette that she was safe and sound. The others either smiled or made a grossed-out face at their antics.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Here's a whisper of truth: Koon feels jealous of Baam for not being able to be as free as Baam with his PDA (Public Display(s) of Affection).

2.6 pages, 863 words

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