Plans that went Awry (2)

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(Golem) Cecelia Pov

"Hey!! Watch it!!" I yelled, dodging the attack from the Fisherman with the sword.

"Why are you attacking me?!" I complained, evading another attack.

"You're in cahoots with the Princess!! Not to mention the fact that you're not even human-"

"I AM NOT IN CAHOOTS WITH ANDROSSI!! If anything, I'm here to protect my precious cinnamon roll and to pass the test!! This is why humans are so weird- attacking beings that are a million times stronger than them even when there's a higher chance of survival just by not provoking the being-"

With a sigh, I waved the Fisherman away, too lazy to deal with him at the moment. Plus, I'd get found out if I started to fight him. I thought, silently willing for my real self to hurry up. The Fisherman cautiously switched his target from me to Androssi, facing her with his sword at the ready.

"Was this your goal all along? To take out all of Team B's Fishermen?" The swordsman asked.

Baam looked back and forth between Androssi and the swordsman, looking to me for answers.

"Only five out of the seven Fisherman candidates can pass the Position test. Since four of the spots have been taken, there's only one more spot left." I explained, taking his hand and pulling him away from the swordsman.

With a surprised gasp, the other Fisherman came to a sudden realization.

"Then...! If we drop out...!!" He started, his puny brain finally seeming to be able to put the puzzle pieces together.

"Ding ding ding~! Correct!!" I replied.

"Remember the mistake that I made during the last test? I want to guarantee that I'll pass." Androssi stated, talking about the time she had fallen off the pillars whilst fighting with Anaak.

And without another moment to waste, she knocked both Fishermen unconscious. Baam found it cruel, but that's just how it was.

"All is fair in love and war, they say. And this is war. A war between you and everything else that stands in your way from the top of the Tower." I told Baam, reaching up to pet his hair.

"But...! I want to climb the Tower with everyone!! With you, Koon, Rak, Lahel...!" Baam exclaimed, gazing down that their hands, which were clasped together with a sad face.

"I want to climb the Tower with everyone too, Baam. With you, and Koon... but if Lahel is that important to you, then tell me this, Baam. Are you willing to kill for her? Are you willing to do anything and everything to help her climb the Tower? To stay by her side?"

Baam fell silent. He was conflicted.

"If you're willing to do so, Baam, then you should go to her." I finished, pulling my hand away from his.

A look of surprise and hurt flashed across his face. But the look was brief as he roughly pulled me into his arms, planting his face in my hair. He shook his head in refusal, holding me tight.

"I've already let Lahel go once. I'm not going to let you go, no matter what happens." He muttered, sending shivers down my spine.

Whether that was because of fear or pleasure, I had no way of knowing.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

Third Pov

Cecelia (original) let out a sigh as she hid within the shadows, watching Hatsu and Quant fight each other.

Having taken the remainder of Hoh's soul, she had disappeared into the darkness, leaving Serena thoroughly confused. Once Serena was out of sight, Cecelia had used her golem magic to make a copy of herself, and a copy of Hoh. She sent her copy back to Baam, where it would proceed to keep an eye on him. Then, she sent the copy of Hoh back to Serena, with the objective of killing Lahel in mind.

Controlling two golems would be tricky, and it would give her a hell of a headache afterwards, but it would be worth it. Lahel was becoming more and more of a nuisance, and she wanted Lahel dead. Cecelia could see and hear what her golems could see and hear, which allowed her to understand what was happening at their end and guide the golems accordingly.

Right now, Cecelia was on her way to find Lahel.

I want to see the look on the bitch's face as I- well, my golem that looks like Hoh- stabs her to death. But first, it looks like I have to get past Hatsu and Quant... what to do? Cecelia thought to herself.

"NOW!! SPEAR BEARER REVOLUTIONARIES!!!" Hatsu yelled all of a sudden.

But the expected attack didn't come. The rest of the Fishermen had run away, leaving Hatsu to deal with Quant alone. What a mess... at least this provides me with an opening to take Quant's badge. Cecelia thought, appearing behind the Ranker.

"The Spear Bearer Airheads aren't here, but you do have me," She said, scaring the hell out of Quant.


"Uh... Hell?"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I mean, where else? Heaven?

2.5 pages, 846 words

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