Irregular (2)

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Brief Third Pov

The others watched the trio leave, mixed feelings in their hearts. It was obvious that both Koon and Baam had something for Cecelia. Baam had kissed her last day, so for Baam, it was clear enough. As for Koon, it was... muted. It was based on small things, like defending her during a debate or taking care of her.

"What do you think will happen with those three?" Shibisu asked to no one in particular.

"What do you mean?" Hatsu asked.

"They have the love triangle going on," Androssi replied, not looking too happy about the fact.

"Now that you mention it... Baam's strangely clingy when it comes to Cecelia. He's always hugging her, holding her hand, or lying on her lap... I don't think I've ever seen them apart from each other. For all I know, they could be sharing rooms." Serena commented.

"I don't understand. What does he see in a Demon like her? They only leave death, blood, and destruction behind them!!" Androssi huffed, before taking another bite of her food angrily.

--- Koon Pov ---

I sat in my room alone, thinking back to recent events. Well, the events that I triggered using my "underhanded tricks". Cecelia had gone with Baam to visit Lahel, only because she didn't want to leave him with her alone. I sat on the floor, against my bed, only to see Cecelia walk out of a black portal and into my room.

"Celia?" I questioned, pleasantly surprised to see her.

"I couldn't stand being with Lahel, so I left. Cuddlecake is going to be a lot sulkier and cuddlier than usual afterwards, but I'd rather deal with that than see Lahel's face." She complained, lying down with her head on my lap.

"Why don't you tell me about the underhanded tricks that you used to get Baam to pass?" She asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, acting as though I didn't have a clue as to what she was talking about.

"Oh, please. I know that you were the one to give Hoh that letter. You know, the one that said to get rid of Lahel?"

I let out a sigh. So she knew about that... although it's not that surprising.

"Only two Wave Controllers could advance. So I..." I started, gently pushing my fingers through her soft hair.

"Laure was guaranteed to pass. You were in all the other positions, and to be frank, I don't think you would've passed the Wave Controller Position Test even with my help."

"Hey!! How rude!!" Celia huffed cutely, making me chuckle.

"I knew that you would pass the other Position tests. So I focused on getting Baam to pass his. And by a narrow margin, Baam, Grey, and Hwaryun had the edge compared to the others in the Wave Controller class. But then, Hwaryun told me that she wouldn't be advancing beyond this point- and that I should be focusing more on Hoh."

"If I hadn't been there to fulfill his wish for revenge, Hoh would've gone crazy from jealousy," Celia said, looking up at me with her stunning blood-red eyes.

"So I removed Hoh from the list," I replied, explaining to her how I had snuck into his room.

"I told the redheaded Ranker, Quant, to not let his eyes off of Hoh during the Tag game. My strategy was perfect. .....But..."

"But you didn't take me and my contract with Hoh into account," Cecelia commented.

"Yeah. By the time I had realized the true relationship between you two, things had gone... a bit differently. Hoh had been killed by you before he could get to killing Lahel."

"Correct. I killed Hoh, made a copy of him using my golem magic, and used it to kill Lahel. My plans were thwarted when the knife didn't end her life. Sad, really."

I didn't change at all, huh? I thought to myself, gazing down at the beautiful female on my lap. Something hot and fluffy churned within my stomach every time I saw her. My heart would skip a beat every time she smiled at me, and I found myself smiling back- well, at least, smirking back every time.

".....Koon, I have something to tell y-" Celia started, only to be cut off by some loud banging.


"What the-" I muttered, as someone very angrily and violently started to knock on the door.

The room was shaking with each bang and assault that was being done on my poor door.

"Unnecessarily violent, loud, and doesn't use intercoms. It's Rak. I bet on it." Celia said, frowning from the noise.


"Or it's someone that got drunk," I muttered, using a pillow to muffle the loud noise.


"Aren't you going to open the door for him? He'll continue until you open the door." Celia commented, making me grin in annoyance.


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2.4 pages, 840 words

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