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Cecelia's FUG Slayer outfit. She'll be wearing this general style for a while as she stays with Baam.

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Third Pov

After saying goodbye to Arlen, Cecelia practically sprinted towards the front doors of the Castle. I can't waste any more time here!! She thought to herself.



Abaddon pulled his youngest daughter into his arms, nearly crushing her in the process.

"Do you have any interesting plans that I should be worried about? I know that you've been cooking up quite a lot of things lately, sweetie."

"Let's just say that it involves a lot of pain and despair for Zahard. I'll let you know one day- if you don't figure it out yourself first." Cecelia smirked, leaving her daughter-obsessed father behind as she flew into the air once again.

Entering Hell was easy.

Leaving wasn't.

At the edge of Hell, nine hours by flight away was a large, active volcano. It wasn't your typical volcano, mind you. It was a volcano filled with the souls of the damned, where their screams and begs to be freed from the pain was enough to drive even a Demon mad.

At the summit of the Volcano of the Damned, was a large crater. In the middle of the crater was a small floating island, which harboured the entrance to the Tower.

All Cecelia had to to was open the doors leading inside the Tower- once again.

Bones of many other Demons laid around the door, as many foolish young Demons had lost their lives by trying to open the doors. If you weren't chosen- or was simply too weak- then the door would kill you. Cecelia calmly knocked on the door, holding a nicely wrapped tin box and a jar filled with tea leaves in her arms.

"Headon? Let me in, please."

The trick was to appeal to the one that would open the doors for you.

"Ah, High Demon Princess Vis Lucifer. Or should I say... Cecelia?" Headon greeted, as Cecelia walked through the open doors.

"Cecelia is fine. Thanks for opening the doors."

"No problem, Prin- Cecelia. After all, it would be quite troublesome if you were to destroy the doors. Lost souls would wander into the Tower and wreak havoc everywhere. Plus, who can ever say no to biscuits and tea?"

Cecelia silently watched as Headon opened the tin box, picked up an animal biscuit, and popped it into his mouth. The second biscuit he grabbed just happened to be a bunny.

It's cannibalism... she thought to herself, sweatdropping as Headon devoured the treats with glee.

"I'd love to stay ad chat, but I have to get going. I'll come to visit again soon, okay?" Cecelia commented, waving goodbye.

"Good luck, Cecelia."

The first place that Cecelia went to was the second floor- the Floor of Tests. Hansung Yu sat calmly in his heat, drinking instant coffee as usual when Cecelia walked into his room, straight through a portal on the wall.

"Miss Cecelia. Or should I say... Scarlet Tanager?" Hansung Yu commented.

"Hello, Han. Why don't you direct me towards Baam, like the good little FUG executive you are?" Cecelia replied.

"...Very well. My God's wish is my command."

Hansung Yu led Cecelia through a series of tunnels, answering her questions along the way.

"Does Baam know that I'm a Slayer for FUG? How is he doing with training?" Cecelia asked.

"He's doing surprisingly well with training. And yes, he does know that you're a Slayer and has lots of questions for you. Baam- no, Jyu Viole Grace has developed a bad habit of refusing to show us his wounds, which is increasingly becoming a problem."

"Obviously. He doesn't trust you people. You've ripped him away from everything that he's known ever since he entered the Tower."

"Which is why we're asking you to become his partner and look over him. He'll have to complete his missions and training himself, of course."

"That was what I was planning to do even if you didn't ask me to do it. I'll be busy setting things up for my own plans, so I won't be able to stay with him all the time. But he'll get used to it. I hope."

"As for Quant and Lero Ro, they've quit and are gone in search of truth, as planned. Are you still planning to take them under your wing?"

"It's a shame to let go of them. They can grow to be fine Informants. I'll take care of them myself. There's no need for you to worry over them anymore- although you may have to work with them in the future." Cecelia stated.

"That would be very interesting. I shall be looking forward to it."

Hansung Yu stopped in front of a door, which had been locked from the outside. On the door was a plaque that read "Jyu Viole Grace". The padlock disappeared in a puddle of gloop with a flick of Cecelia's finger, allowing her to enter.

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Baam and Cecelia, reunited after twelve days since Lahel's Betrayal.

Warning: Yandere Baam ahead!

2.5 pages, 854 words

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