The Crown Game (7)

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Baam Pov

"You really wanted to show that bag off, didn't you?" Rak asked Koon, with his hands on his hips.

"No, idiot. I just wanted to tell that lizard to not underestimate us." He replied, making Cecelia chuckle to herself.

"That's why I demolished the regulars with my magic," She said, as she laid back into the throne.

"Koon... Cecelia..." I muttered in joy and awe, just as Lero Ro's voice caught our attention with yet another announcement.


Three teams walked out of their waiting rooms, their predatory eyes making me feel nervous. Although it was nothing compared to an angry Cecelia, I couldn't help but shrink back with a little bit of fear.

"Well, well. Only three teams. I'll hunt them all in an instant!!" Rak announced, swinging his spear around.



Koon stopped Rak, surprising him.

"Hey, why not?!"

"Koon?" Even Cecelia looked confused for once, as Koon settled back down on the throne, leaning into Cecelia's arms.

"I'm saying that we should take a break," He explained, although it didn't make sense.

"A break? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Our strongest opponents will come out in the final round. We need to prepare for that." Koon continued, his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest.


Cecelia looked at a loss for what to do with the male in her arms as she tried to figure out how she was supposed to deal with him. If it were me, then she would'be hugged me back or something. But since this was Koon, she was stumped and awkward. She flailed her arms around, sweating bullets nervously. What am I supposed to do?! She mouthed, looking at me for help.

I could only smile back nervously, as I had no idea what to do myself.

"I have a suggestion," Someone called out.

"A suggestion?"

"Why don't we forge a temporary alliance to bring them down?"

It was a male with red hair and tan skin. He suggested to the other teams that they should team up to beat us. The nervousness only grew in my chest as Koon didn't seem to care. Cecelia was tentatively wrapping her arms around Koon's shoulders, unsure of her actions. And Rak was... being Rak.

"Do you hear what they're saying?" I whispered to Koon, who moved to lie down on Cecelia's lap.

"You'll see." Was the only thing he said.


Even as I watched the game progress, I couldn't help but glance at Cecelia and Koon. It reminded me of the time when she would let me lie down and rest on her lap. Or when she did the same to me. It was... strange to be seeing someone else there instead of me.

"We'll fight fair and square after we've taken the crown. What do you think?" The redheaded male continued.

Just as someone was about to agree to his proposal, a gut with brown hair punched him unconscious. Then, when a lady wearing formal clothes walked up to him talking about if he had heard of the proposal, long, thin, yellow tentacles wrapped around the lady, pulling her up into the air. Cecelia's face scrunched up in distaste and fear.

"This isn't hentai, you know..." She murmured.

"Hen...tai?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"See? I said there was no need to fight." Koon cut in, ignoring my inquiry and Cecelia's remark.

"Did you know this would happen?" I asked.

"Of course I did. They're on our side. Remember the first test? When we narrowed down four hundred regulars to two hundred."

"Yes," I answered, nodding.

"I thought that rule could go eat shit. So I gathered allies inside my bag. "I'll put you inside my bag and carry you. I promise I'll get you past the test if you lend me your strength." I'd said."

A twinge of relief made itself known as Koon sat up, getting off of Cecelia's lap. Koon continued his explanation.

"Meeting you guys in the field and the team-building test that came afterward was unexpected, though. Since we were supposed to form groups of three or four, the three guys in my bag had enough for a team, too. I let them out during the break after the third exam and explained the situation to them. Me tying my hair up with my bandanna was the signal for them to help me."

"We would've been in trouble if it wasn't for my hair-tying skills, huh?" Cecelia said, snickering once again.

"...I hadn't noticed that you'd done that." I commented back, leaving Cecelia to laugh to herself.

"Of course you didn't. If anyone notices the ace up your sleeve, it's over." Koon finished.

"Clever turtle. You ruined my hunting game." Rak grumbled, glaring at Koon.

"Gator, you can go wild later." He replied, laughing lightly and tossed him a chocolate bar.

"The truth is, I didn't want to use them yet. But..." He muttered, trailing off.

Koon hadn't finished his sentence, but I could tell what he meant without having to say it. He was trying to win the game for my sake, not just for his. And not to mention Cecelia's.

"I'm sorry. it's my fault." I apologized.

If it wasn't for Cecelia thinking ahead and taking the Black March, we would've been ina much bigger predicament.

"I told you, it's not that. I want to win. I want to win and climb the Tower with you guys." Koon argued, before giving us a smile.

"And I'll hunt you once you're stronger, black turtle."

What?! You're still planning to do that?" I asked Rak, surprised.

And here I thought that he'd finally stopped and let me become his friend!! I thought, panicking internally.

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2.8 pages, 965 words

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