Trustworthy Room (3)

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~~~ A little While Ago ~~~

Third Pov

Red hummed to herself as she sauntered down the halls, heading towards the baths. Her body ached from the "exercise" she had with Viole, but she knew better than to show weakness in public.

Red entered the females' baths this time, taking note of how she was alone. With the flick of a finger, flower petals and bath salts appeared out of thin air. While invisible hands made of magic got the bath ready according to Red's tastes, the young woman went to get herself cleaned up.

Red noticed a malevolent presence appear within the bath, but did nothing as she knew that practically nothing could harm her. Plus, she was quite hungry for a nice, juicy soul.

If they chopped her head off, she could just reattach it.

She didn't need to breathe, so she wasn't able to drown.

Fire was her Gift of Pestilence*- which made her completely fireproof.

All in all, she did not give a fuck.

"Aaaahhhh..... this feels so good..." Red groaned, sinking into the large bath speckled with flower petals.

She massaged her aching muscles to get rid of the pain faster. It wouldn't last more than an hour, but Red didn't enjoy having discomfort nagging at her from the corner of her mind.



Red didn't even bother to move as the torrent of red flames flying towards her were overpowered by violet flames.

It was her Gift of Pestilence- The Hellfire of Greed. Out of the eight types of flames that Hell had, it was greed's flames that chose her at birth. And like its name, the flame destroyed and greedily ate up anything in its way.

Just like its owner.

"So, woman. State you business." Red spoke leisurely, not affected at all by the short and stout woman's flame attack.

Red could hear the clinks of numerous rings grazing each other as the woman clenched her hands into fists.

"Seeing how you just attacked me, you're definitely not here to seduce me into becoming your ally. Your goal, I'm assuming, is to kill me." Red continued, gathering and holding a handful of petals in her hands.

"That's right. You ruined my chances of becoming friends with that little girl- Miseng, was it? In order for me to join their team." The woman spat hatefully, readying her hands for another fire attack.

"So stubborn, and so stupid. It's a wonder how you've managed to get this f-" Red started, before feeling a strange numbness take over her legs.

"Pfft- heheh... HAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU FELL FOR IT!! Ignorant Demon, acting all high and mighty. FUG's Number one Slayer's not much, huh? Just to be taken down by a few bottles of measly anesthesia!!" The woman cackled, laughing at Red.

"You do know that you've put in at least eight times more than the normal amount of anesthesia required to kill a human, right?" Red drawled.

"SHUT UP!! I've hated you from the moment I saw you. Hanging around that young male like a common whore, stuck to him like gum on the bottom of my shoe!! It was a pretty and dumb bitch like you that took my boyfriend away from me!!" The woman shouted vengefully, confusing Red.

"With your looks and personality, it's a miracle how you even got a boyfriend in the first place..." Red muttered, sweatdropping.

"I vowed to get stronger and release innocent men from Devils like you!!! That's why I climb the Tower. And once I get to the top, I'll get my revenge by finding and killing that whore."

"You do that. Now leave me be. I would like to enjoy my bath in peace." Red said, deciding to ignore the woman completely.

She would've killed her if it wasn't for her elevated mood and numb limbs.

Red silently sunk her head into the warm bath, enjoying the blissful silence.

The multi-ring woman scurried away to the change room to retrieve rope that she had found under her bed in her designated room.

And in the brief moment where there seemed to be no one in the female baths, Viole hurried inside to find it "empty".

Due to the fact that Red's presence, like all Demons, was hard to notice, Viole thought that the baths were empty. After looking around for a brief moment, he walked into the females' change room to check if Red's clothes were there.

Unfortunately for him, the multi-ring woman had hidden the basket with Red's clothes above the shelves, keeping it out of sight.

But there's always a silver lining.

The multi-ringed woman was fully clothed, which allowed Viole's eyes to stay pristine and not get sullied by lowly human trash.

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*Gift of Pestilence: A gift/elemental power that all Demons in the Royal Family are born with. It's chosen at birth by the element, not the Demon.

2.5 pages, 820 words

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