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Having jumped into the water to keep an eye on Baam, Cecelia manages to save Lahel and Baam from the rogue Bull's attacks. However, Lahel pushes Baam out of the bubble, leaving Cecelia to save him and find an air pocket. Eventually, she manages to and drag the two of them out of the water. However, once Baam was resuscitated (CPR), the Demon guard sent to retrieve her takes her away- much to Baam's distress.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Third Pov

"Hey!! Wait!! I need to- let me down!!" Cecelia protested, whacking the Demon guard's back with the strength of a wet kitten.

"His Unholiness wished me to retrieve you," The Guard spoke, softly but firmly.

"Take your mask off first. And let me down. He could've just sent me a letter or a call or something..." Cecelia grumbled as the Guard let her down onto her feet gently.

"Demon General Astaroth at your service, High Demon Princess Vis* Lucifer. Congratulations on becoming the Hell's Heir, Princess."

Astaroth knelt at Cecelia's feet, bowing deeply. Cecelia just waved him off, since she wasn't one for the long-ass greetings and honorifics. She instead raised an elegant eyebrow and crossed her arms- which meant that she wanted an explanation.

"His Unholiness wished me to retrieve you. He didn't say anything else." Astaroth confirmed, leading her through the darkness of the transportation portal.

"Who was he meeting with this time? Eduan? Urek? Evankhell?" Cecelia questioned, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"He was talking with Zahard."

".....Well, at least he's better than Eduan."

Astaroth chuckled, but then grunted in surprise as Cecelia jumped onto his back. She wrapped one arm around his neck and pointed forward with the other.

"Let's go!! Giddyup!!"

"Princess, I know that I'm a horse Demon, but please don't use me as an actual horse!!"

"Shut up and run!! I have to get back to Cuddlecake as soon as I can!!"

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

"Your "Guard" is late, Abaddon," Zahard spoke, swirling the red wine in his glass lazily.

"You're the one that wanted to meet my baby daughter. But you're as impatient as always, Zahard. I'm surprised that you're even taking interest in my baby daughter since you've always been enamoured by Arlen. It's been over a thousand years since you last met my baby daughter, so what's with the sudden interest?" Abaddon questioned, shrugging nonchalantly.

"She's the next Heir to Hell. I should get into the good graces of the next "Satan", should I not?"

"Ah, I see. Well, as long as you don't develop feelings for my sweet baby girl-"

"Yes, the "sweet baby girl" who slaughtered the rest of her siblings in cold blood. How many were there again? Five?"

"Six. Six older siblings, and their mothers. In short, she killed all ten of the other members of my direct lineage- leaving me all alone with her. It's quite unfortunate that her mother isn't alive to see her prowess, really." Abaddon whined, patting away fake tears dramatically.

But in truth, he was prouder than anyone about her feats.




"I'm here!!"

Cecelia gracefully backflipped off of Astaroth, who had gone straight through the door and into the wall on the other side of the room. He pulled himself out of the rubble, apologizing. Meanwhile, Zahard just... stared.

And Cecelia stared right back.

"You've sure grown a lot... How tall are you now? 180? 200?" She started, walking right up to the blonde.

"240cm (7'9). Although I can't say much about you, Vis."

"Shut up. It's not my fault that I don't grow, okay? Anyways, what do you want? I thought you were hibernating. You haven't contacted me for over a thousand years, and now you want to meet me?" Cecelia retorted, placing herself on the chair beside her dad.

"Oh, hi dad."

"Hey, baby girl. I'm glad to see that you're doing well."

"Same goes to you."

"I was wondering if we could get married," Zahard spoke in all seriousness, only to be splattered all over with tea when both Cecelia and Abaddon sprayed their tea out of their mouth like a fountain.

"I have no romantic feelings towards you. Yet."

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TAKE MY BABY GIRL AWAY FROM ME WHEN YOU JUST PROMISED TO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER" Abaddon screamed, flapping his arms around like a chicken trying to fly.

"Our marriage would be strictly political. You can love others, or have as many affairs as you want. Hell, you can have a harem. As long as-"

"As long as I get you an Heir, right? Hell no. If you need political marriage, then you can get married to my dad instead."

"You are, as rumours said, quite emotional for a Demon. Since you don't want the marriage, I'll leave it be for now. But know that my doors will always be open for you." Zahard spoke, standing up.

He gently pushed a strand of her white hair behind her ear and gave her a faint smile.

"I won't use it, but whatever you say, Zahard. Bye, dad!! Bye, Astaroth!! Send me a letter of notice next time!!" Cecelia retorted with a smirk, before leaving like the wind.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

*: "Vis" means power, violence, nature, and authority in Latin.

2.7 pages, 878 words

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