Plans that went Awry (4)

438 18 1

Third Pov

A smirk grew on Cecelia's face as the knife entered Lahel's body, twisting savagely as it did so. But then it fell as she realized that it didn't hit any of her vital organs. Hoh (golem) froze as Cecelia threw a silent temper tantrum.

Baam used the chance to freeze Hoh (golem), copying Quant's immobilization technique perfectly.

As Hoh (golem)'s body fell onto the ground immobilized, Baam picked Lahel up into his arms. Knowing full well that Baam would beg her to fix Lahel, Cecelia stayed hidden away, trying her best to ignore the burning pain that erupted from her contract symbol.

"Why... why did you do this to Lahel? Didn't you get your wish fulfilled by Cece?" Baam asked.

"I... wanted to repay her before I left for good. I have no one important left in my life anymore... they all died before I came here. Because I don't have the strength that you or Laure do, I can't fight back against the strong. Strength always wins. I couldn't protect anyone. I let them die. So... just this once, I asked the ultimate power to get my revenge for me. Now, I truly have... nothing left." Hoh (golem) explained.

"No, you do not."

A voice said, as its owner walked out from the shadows, massaging her temple. She flicked her wrist, a black magic circle appearing beneath Hoh (golem)'s body. It sunk into the ground, disappearing from view.

"Now that he's out of the way-" Cecelia started, before being cut off by Baam.

"Where were you?!"

"What do you mean, where was I-"

"Don't just disappear like that in front of me!!! Do you know how scared and confused I was when you disintegrated in my arms?!" Baam yelled, glaring at Cecelia.

"That's not something to say with a different girl in your arms, Baam."

Cecelia replied dryly, chuckling weakly as she felt her headache worsen. Right now, she didn't have the mental capacity nor the patience to deal with... everything. She had revealed herself only so that she would be able to retrieve the golem and hide the fact that she had been the one to stab Lahel.

"Uuuuugh.... my braaaaaaiiin hurrrrts...." She whined, lying down onto the ground.

"W-wait, Cece, Lahel's-" Baam started but was cut off as he was faced with the harsh truth.

"I can't heal her, Baam."

"Huh? But, why?"

"I was chasing after the Ranker to get the badge off of him but assumed that you'd worry about me if I didn't show up. So I made a copy of myself using golem magic. I sent it to you to keep you protected while I was out. But then it got destroyed from an attack. The golem is connected to me, and whatever damage it wasn't able to nullify, comes to me."

"That means...!"

"Correct. I took most of the damage, and that caused my magic to be all out of whack. The most I'll be able to do right now is to make a low-level barrier. Healing magic is advanced, Baam. I can't heal Lahel with my current level of power." Cecelia explained, lying straight through her teeth.

My copy (golem) disintegrated because it used up all of its energy protecting Baam. It has nothing to do with its attack connecting back to me. But of course, Baam doesn't know that. I'm just using the golem as an excuse to not heal Lahel. I went through all of this trouble to kill her, and I'm not going to heal her this easily or willingly. She thought, trying to ease the headache that was thudding through her already tired mentality.


Unfortunately, Cecelia's hopes to get rid of her headache were crushed as Quant kicked her stomach, sending her flying into a pillar.


"You can't use your magic? Then now will be the best time to get rid of you, filthy Demon." Quant growled, holding her up into the air by her slim neck.

"Why, you angry little fire-headed sasquatch," Cecelia growled back, looking completely unfazed by the strike.

Aw jeez. I didn't see this coming. I won't die, but the mental strain that it'll put on Baam if I were to be "killed" by Quant... and I can't use my magic to protect myself when I just told Baam that I couldn't. At times like this, I wish that I had been born with brute strength instead of magic. She thought to herself, trying to pry Quant's hand off of her neck.


The sickening sound of bone snapping echoed around the room as Quant snapped Cecelia's neck without another thought. He then dropped her limp body to the ground and focused his attention on Androssi.

Baam helplessly sat in his spot, frozen with denial. He could still feel Lahel's hot blood seeping out through her stab wound on her back, staining his hand. And even before he could overcome the dread of Lahel's possible death, Cecelia had been killed in front of him. He knew that she was a Demon, but he didn't know what could kill a Demon- and right now, her small, frail-looking body lying on the cold, hard ground sure made her look dead.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

It's not a very good day for a lot of people today. Baam's lost(?) Cecelia twice, Lahel's on the verge of death (YAY!!), and Hoh (may the Devil rest his soul) is officially dead. Like, dead dead.

Hey, at least Cecelia won't have that nasty headache any more once she wakes up.

2.7 pages, 932 words

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