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Koon Pov


"Where's Baam?"

"Are you all right?!"

"Why are you wet?"

The moment we all arrived onto the next floor, everyone started to question Celia at once. Her clothes were ripped here and there, but she didn't seem to have any wounds. Other than the fact that she was dripping with water, she seemed to be in perfect condition.

"I'm afraid that I don't know where Baam is myself. I'm only here to bid all of you adieu. Of course, it's temporary. I'll find Baam and continue climbing the Tower with him." Celia announced, giving everyone a reassuring smile.

All I could do was hug her.

I could feel the water from her hair and semi-dry clothes absorb into my own, but that was okay. She's alive. She's all right. I repeatedly told myself, holding her tight in my arms. The scents of Twilight Lavender and White Moonflower enveloped my nose as Celia hugged me back, patting my shoulder soothingly.

"Take us with you!!"


"The mark that I've placed upon him isn't one meant for prey or a mate- which means that it's not strong enough for it to tell me his exact location. I'm going to go back home and grab some materials that I'll be needing, before heading out to search for Baam. Unfortunately, Hell isn't the best place for mortals." Celia began to explain.

"We'll wait for you here!!" Shibisu suggested.

"One hour in Hell is a day in the Tower. Even if you were to survive the toxic and harsh climate of Hell, you'll most likely end up failing or drop out of the Floor Exams due to the time difference. As Regulars, if you fail a Floor Exam, you will be unable to continue on your climb up the Tower."

"What about you, white turtle?" Rak questioned.

"I'm a high-ranking Demon. I don't need to go through all these trivial tests to climb the Tower. There's no need for any of you to worry about me. Now, every minute here is a minute where Baam is left alone. I expect to see everyone when we meet again!!" Celia commented, beginning to walk away.

"Wait!!" I called out, running after her.

"Snowflak- mph-?!"

The kiss was short but amazing. Moreover, her flustered, red face was a sight to see. Sometimes, you're so adorable that I don't want to let you go- even if it's for Baam. She just looked at me with wide eyes, surprise clear on her face.

"I wasn't going to let you go without my goodbye kiss. Now, be safe, contact me often, and bring him back alive. Promise?"

Celia dumbly nodded.

"Verbally," I ordered.

"I promise."

"Good. Would it be too much for me to ask for a final kiss before you decide to leave me for who knows how long?"

"You already got a final kiss. And the next time we meet, I expect you to give me a firm, clear answer on whatever... this is." She replied, gesturing to the two of us.

"Hah? What's that supposed to mean?" I retorted.

"Use that smart brain of yours, Snowflake. You should know very well what I mean. I expect you to bring everyone up the Tower safely and in one piece- along with yourself. Promise?"

"...I promise."

And with that, she was off. All that was left behind was the scent of Twilight Lavender and White Moonflower, the sensation of her soft lips on mine, and the question she had left me to answer.

--- Third Pov ---

The flushed, cute look on Cecelia's face melted away as it was replaced with confidence, arrogance, and ruthlessness. She had opened a portal to the Floor of Death, where a very familiar cave would be waiting for her- its three inhabitants now split up throughout the Tower.

The young woman walked out of the rocky wall, where the portal had opened to let her into the Floor of Death. The first thing that had caught her eyes was the childish carving on the other side of the cave. It depicted a sky full of stars, along with two girls and a boy holding hands together underneath the starry sky.

Cecelia's cold eyes softened for a moment as she gazed at the picture.

And with a wave of her hand, she erased one girl out of the picture, leaving one girl and one boy as a result.

Cecelia's heels clicked against the stone floor as she walked through the familiar cave tunnels, heading towards the opening in the ceiling. With a jump, she stood on the summit of the pile of rocks, taking a deep breath. The bright light shone onto the pile of rocks like it always had, showering her small form with a beam that didn't suit her dark presence.

It was where she had met with Baam for the first time.

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2.4 pages, 818 words

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