Position Selection (3)

767 47 5

Third Pov


All of a sudden, the room fell into darkness as the lights broke, numerous glowing magic circles appearing around Cecelia. She looked around herself, surprised.

"Ah, I've been rejected... it looks like I'm going to be stuck with my magic circles for the rest of my life. How unfortunate." She said to no one in particular, waving her hand in a circular motion.

The glowing circles disappeared, the lights slowly flickering back on. Yaga silently stared at the albino girl sitting in their class, Wondering the reason why a demon would be here, within the Tower. May it be lucky or unlucky, most of the regulars hadn't noticed the disturbance. It had lasted for only a few seconds- and most were busy getting the contracts formulated with the Floor Administrator.

"Forming the contract has exhausted more of your stamina than expected. You should rest and prepare for tomorrow." Yaga announced, before walking away and leaving the class to their own.

"Ugh, the class was so boring~" Cecelia whined, lying down on Baam's bed and using his lap as a pillow.

"I know, right?" Koon agreed.

"By the way, where's Rak?" Baam asked, turning to Koon.

"Oh... Apparently, you would pass the Spear Bearer Test by hitting a target that was far away. "I'm returning to the wild. Farewell, turtles." And after saying that, he left."

"He's very excited about this."

"Of course he is. We're doing this to climb the Tower." Cecelia commented, before sitting up and checking her wings for the millionth time that day.

"I need to train hard, too... At least until I can talk to Lahel." Baam told himself.

*Bubuling Bubuling*

Cecelia looked at the intercom, coming face-to-face with Hatsu and Shibisu. Raising her left eyebrow, she opened the door to let them in.


"We have a request."




Baam, Cecelia, and Koon found themselves in the cafeteria once again, as the group talked about what was happening in each other's classes.

"I can't believe that they're making us pay for our food using the points that we earned," Shibisu complained, grumbling about how he didn't have a lot of points.

"At least let me eat what I want!!" He continued, crying crocodile tears.

"Laure, I'll buy you a meal tomorrow if you sign the sheet,"

"What?! It only took a meal to bribe you?"

"You guys are so narrow-minded. You should be more like Baam and Cecelia here." Shibisu said, side-hugging Baam.

"Shibisu, your stubble is prickly," Baam commented, trying to eat his omelet.

Androssi joined the group, wondering the reason why they were all being so friendly to each other. While Shibisu drooled over the girl, Laure talked to Cecelia. He was one of the very few that had seen what happened in the Wave Controller Class and wanted to know more about who and what she was.

"You're doing all five classes, right? Who did you put down for your ten friends?" He asked.

"Oh, for the Scout test thing? I have Baam, Koon, Rak, Hatsu, Shibisu, Hoh, Serena, Hwaryun, myself, and... that's it actually. Why? You wanna sign for me too? It'll be nice if you did..."


"The paper? Here."

".....What will you do for me if I sign this?"

Laure asked Cecelia, looking into the demon's blood-red eyes. She smirked in return, knowing very well about what he wanted.

"You want answers, no? I'll answer any three questions."

".....Fine. Come to my room after."

Laure signed the paper, before going back to sleep in the comfort of his blanket. Koon and Baam watched the two converse with a watchful eye, only to be dragged into the other conversation.

"Hey, ugly earrings!!!"

"My earrings are not ugly!! That's the last thing that you should be calling me!! Right, Baam?"

"Koon, calm down."

"What kind of penance is that hanging from your ear?"

Koon and Hatsu continued to bicker. The two males only stopped when Cecelia cut into the conversation, speaking of words that they had never heard of before.

"신체발부 수지부모 (身體髮膚 受之父母)."

The entire table fell silent at the sound of a foreign tongue leaving her lips. Hatsu stared at her with obvious shock written across his face, while Koon just glared at the white-haired female in annoyance.

"It's a tradition where people believe that the body, such as skin or hair, is given to you by your parents and thus shouldn't be hurt. People who follow this tradition, or belief, don't cut their hair, pierce their ears, or do any sort of self-harm to themselves."

"Correct," Hatsu confirmed.

"Wait, I don't understand," Shibisu commented, smoke coming out of his ears.

"In other words, you find your body important and don't harm it. In modern terms, it would be... "Love yourself"."

"I'm your teammate!! Not him!! Why are you taking that guy's side?!" Koon yelled, leaving the cafeteria angrily.

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2.5 pages, 825 words

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