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Third Pov

For a few moments, Cecelia stood at the top of the hill.




With a small grunt, she punched the mountain, blowing it apart to smithereens. The rocks flew through the air, revealing the intricately carved reverse pentagram etched into the ground. The pentagram reacted to the presence of a Demon, opening the gateway to Hell.

The first thing that Cecelia felt was the heat.

The heat from the Everlasting Hellfire, spread throughout the entire Kingdom, kept the air at a comfortable 500°C (932°F). It also kept the skies of the Kingdom dyed in shades of menacing reds, orange, yellow, and purple.

Cecelia took a deep breath, inhaling the strong scent of brimstone laid thickly within the atmosphere. A pair of black horns grew out of her head, an arrow-like tail revealing itself along with her claws and wings. An arrogant smirk placed itself on her plump lips as her blood-red eyes glistened with excitement.

"Home sweet home."

For the first time in forever, Cecelia opened her wings fully and flew into the sky. She flew a few times around the Kingdom, using her magic to display her contract mark in the sky.


"It's the Heir!!"

"High Demon Princess Vis Lucifer is back!!"

Cheers went up from the crowds below as they noticed their future Lord whizz through the skies, commemorating her flashy return.

Having spent a few minutes giving the others a general greeting, Cecelia hurried to her room within the castle. She had things to pack, and no time to spare. I'm going to have muscle pain for the next half hour or so... this is why I hate using strengthening spells. It was necessary to get rid of the rocks blocking the entrance, but ever since I lost my brute strength, it's just not the same. She complained internally, ignoring the aches spreading up her arm.


"Hi, Dad," Cecelia replied with a smile, hugging him.

"Back so soon? Not that I'm complaining..."

"I'm just here to pick up a few things. I'll be going back out again soon."


"You have work. And souls that await damnation. I'm fine with you going around knocking up women like you used to, too. They'll all end up dead by my hands anyway, so I say enjoy it when you can." Cecelia shrugged, grabbing herself a handful of soul cookies off of the tray of a servant passing by.

"That ruthlessness...! The power, confidence!! I'm so glad that you're my Heir, sweetie."

"........Whatever. Now get out. I'm going to take a shower."

Once Abaddon had skipped off happily, Cecelia shut herself in her luxurious bathroom, letting her servants take care of the packing. They would take her old clothes and replace them with new ones and also pack her with medicine, herbs, and a book filled with their uses while she was washing.

A group of maids undressed her, lathering her hair with her favourite shampoo. Cecelia silently let them do what they did best- serve.

"Make it quick. I have to go." She ordered.

By the time Cecelia had gotten out of the bath fully dressed, a stack of new clothes and the things that she would need for the next part of her journey sat on her bed.

"Festina," Cecelia muttered, opening a portal to her storage space.

The storage was a room made of magic, where it would manage everything she had until she called upon them using her magic. It was an easy way to bring things with her without actually having to carry things around. The size of the storage room varied amongst Demons depending on the amount of magic they had (if they ha magic at all), but size wasn't something that Cecelia needed to worry about.

"It's already been two hours... I'd better get going," Cecelia muttered to herself, sealing her room like always before leaving.

"Vis?" Someone called out.

"Ah, Arlen. How are you doing? Even if you are a half-demon, it's still pretty hard to live in Hell." Cecelia greeted.

"I'm doing fine. How is...?"

"He's doing perfectly well. He's made some amazing and reliable friends and is growing stronger. There's no need to worry."

Arlen's face, clouded with worry, relaxed as Cecelia told her of the news that she had been desperately waiting for. The black-haired woman held Cecelia's hands tightly with her own, gratitude emanating from her entire being.

"I can't thank you enough...! You've sacrificed so many things for him, and yet you're still going out of your way to protect him and watch over him..."

"I do it because I like being with Baam, Arlen. There's no need to thank me."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I've hinted so many things here... MUAHAHA.

2.5 pages, 807 words

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