Connector (3)

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I've realized that I'm parched for Koon. Where are you, my Snowflake-

To those of you wondering the same thing: He'll be back in a few chapters. But we have some Cinnabun action to get to.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Third Pov

With a loud booming noise that sounded very much like exploding farts, the connector went airborne. But instead of running to catch the object, Viole merely lifted his hand towards it. What is he doing? Why isn't he-?! Love thought, only to see the connector stop in the air.

Viole had used his Shinsu control to stop the speeding connector.

He stopped the connector?! But he's just a Regular on the 20th floor!! Love hurriedly took action against Viole, who was quickly closing in on the connector that was hovering in the air.

Just as Viole's fingertips were about to touch the connector, Love kicked it out of his reach, the connector burying itself deep within the tiled walls of the bath in response.

"I guess... this one was a foul." Love muttered.

"Red, aren't you worried about Viole? You two won't be able to climb the Tower together if he loses- and he's battling against a Ranker for goodness sake!!" Wangnan commented, noticing how relaxed the female was.

"I'm not worried. He has my full support in whatever he wants to do. He has the tenacity, the perseverance, and the skills." Red answered, sipping on a juice box.


"They have no choice but to let the remaining Regulars move up to the next level in the case of a massacre."


"Did you not understand me? Should the choice become necessary, I'm more than willing to kill all the Regulars and the Rankers in order to have Viole and I climb to the next level of the Tower."

Wangnan and Goseng stepped away from Red, whose blood-red eyes were glowing dangerously.

"You should be thankful to Viole. If it wasn't for him, things would've gone very differently."

~~~ Meanwhile: At the Other End of the Testing Site ~~~

"Damn it!! It must be that FUG asshole's doing!!" Prince shouted in anger, standing in front of RapDevil's bloody form.

"Are you sure that it's him? What about the girl?" Lucker questioned with a worried look.

"The girl's probably lying about being the Red Tanager. I don't believe it for a moment. She's probably just some pretty bitch that managed to get the FUG guy wrapped around her fingers. And if it wasn't that FUG asshole, who would've won against RapDevil?"

"So what now? Don't you think that our best option is to collect rooms and pass the test, now that Viole's gone?" Lucker suggested.

"Don't give me that bullshit! Where's your pride as a man?! Do you really want to try so hard just to pass the test and become his ally?!" Prince screeched, his face contorted with anger.

"But- the most important thing right now is to pass and-"

"Shut the fuck up!! I won't let this slide until I destroy that goddamn FUG with my own two hands!! I'll kill him before the end of the test!!"


"So, you wish to destroy Viole?"

However, Lucker and Prince were stopped when two new Regulars came into play. One was a skinny green cyclops-looking dude. The other was a small midget dressed in ski clothes and had a highly reflective ski goggle set over his eyes.

"Who are you two?" Prince asked.

"If you wish to destroy Viole, we have a very good plan, Mr.Prince." The green cyclops suggested.

"What? You have a plan that can destroy Viole?"

"Yes. If you accept us as your allies, then we'll make sure to tell you how to destroy him. We'd like to be of use to you." The ski goggle due finished.

"How dare you try and join our group with those flimsy lies-!!!" Lucker started but was stopped by Prince.

"Lucker, stop. Very well. I'll let the two of you on the team. But I'll only hand you my connector after we destroy Viole. Got it?"

"But Sir-!" Lucker protested.

"Thank you, Mr.Prince. We won't let you down."

"Shut up, Lucker. These two are obviously of more use to me than you, a coward, and those dumb good-for-nothings called guards." Prince spat, leaving the room with the new members.

Of course, he didn't notice Lucker's sinister smirk growing as he left the room.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I keep forgetting the fact that Cecelia (Red) is incapable of feeling emotions the same way as a normal person since she is a Demon. Cecelia understands emotions as textbook descriptions (Ex. She would understand "love" or "affection" as "wanting to protect/care for someone" and "spend time with them", rather than the physical feeling itself- like having butterflies in your stomach or feeling a tickle in your heart when being with your crush. This makes her live true to her every desire.

As well, due to the dark nature of Demons, her psychology/understanding is quite twisted. You can see this from how she doesn't hesitate to commit mass murder and not feel guilty for it. There's a few other instances as well, but you'll notice them more as the relationship between Baam/Cecelia/Koon continues to progress.

And Cecelia's rubbing off on Baam. My innocent bby's becoming dark.... whelp.

2.7 pages, 892 words

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