Connector (5)

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This is chappie #97. Two more chapters of the story, then Q/A chappie, then we come to... BOOK 2!!

I already have the second book ready for publication. I'll also send out an announcement once it's out. So to those of you that aren't following me and want announcements/updates, please do click that little "follow" button!! Thank you!!

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Third Pov

Unbeknownst to Wangnan, Goseng, Red, Viole, and Love, Yihwa had lost control over her body, the "parasite" (previously known as green cyclops) controlling her.

Meanwhile, Viole and Love were facing each other for the third and last time, the connector flying through the air once again.

Love instantly activated his skill, Blue Oar, using it to fly through the air and towards the connector. But unsurprisingly, Viole had copied the technique as well- the two blue discs and their users flying at each other at incredible speeds. Red watched the fight reach its climax with a sinister smirk on her face, humming a strange tune to herself.

Viole copied and used Love's techniques against him, shocking the Ranker with every passing moment. First, it was Upshoot. Then it was Slider, Straight Ball, and Pitch Changeup.

"Damn you...!" Love grunted, trying to land a punch on Viole once again.

"Beam Cannon!!" Love shouted, a volatile beam of white light piercing through the air.

Viole dodged the attack almost effortlessly, keeping his focus on the blue Ranker in front of him. Red didn't even flinch when the Beam Cannon deflected off of the protective shield around her and the other two Regulars, leaving a large hold in the wall nearby.

"Straight Ball!" Viole copied, using Love's own technique against him.

Heh. This is your limit, FUG. There's no way that you'll be able to copy my Pitch Changeup- Love thought, a small smirk gracing his face. But it soon fell as the telltale signs of Pitch Changeup appeared before his eyes. Damn this insane bastard-! Love exclaimed internally, strengthening his guard.

He's a monster. I've spent decades practicing and refining these skills- and yet, he's managed to copy them with one look. Sure, he may be lacking in strength and technique, but to be able to recreate the exact skill in itself is practically a miracle...!

If this kid is to continue climbing the Tower, just how much more will he grow?

If he were to use all this strength for good, what amazing things ould he be able to accomplish?


Having frozen Viole with the technique that he had used against him previously, Love grabbed the connector from the air, meeting Red's blood-red eyes gazing at him. He knew that she wasn't human- he could tell from the strange animosity in her eyes. Her very presence felt... warped. Dark. Twisted.

Red's pupils contracted into slits, her gaze following Love's every move. Love felt goosebumps form on his skin and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.

Red was observing him- as a predator would its prey.

"...I believe that you've forgotten the fact that I can stop you using the same technique you used on me, FUG. The game is over." Love announced, holding the connector out to show Viole.

"But I don't want to let you fail like this. Your talents are too much of a waste to rot away here. Abandon FUG and accept allies. Then I shall let you pass. Use that power of yours to walk the right path." Love suggested.

Love then turned to Red, whose horns and tail had reappeared due to excitement. She was ready to massacre everyone involved- Viole just needed to give the word.

"As for you, Red Tanager- I don't know how or why you're here. As a member of the infinite darkness that's destined to spend your neverending life in Hell, your presence in the Tower is a violation against the rules." Love started.

"That may be so for the lower-ranking Demons. But I'm not just any Demon, you know." Red stated, standing up and approaching Love with an arrogant smirk on her red lips.

A glowing red magic circle appeared on Love's chest, the spell sending the Ranker into the wall several meters away.


"And you know what? I don't need a puny human like you to tell me where I belong."

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You belong in Baam's arms along with Koon, where you shall stay forever-

2.3 pages, 740 words

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