Plans that went Awry (3)

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There are lots of different situations that are going on at the moment. We'll be jumping back and forth between what's happening with Baam, Lahel, and Cecelia's real self. Of course, the three will converge pretty soon, but I wanted to warn my dear readers so that they have a general gist of what's happening.


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Third Pov

Just as Cecelia's fingers touched the badge, she realized something crucial- if she were to take the badge now, then the game would end, and the chance to kill Lahel would go down the drain. Not now, I guess. She thought.

"You'd better be glad that my objective isn't set on the badge right now. Get going. I have to heal this pretty face that you've ruined." She commented, gesturing to the unconscious and bleeding Hatsu.

"You have the chance to take the badge, and you're letting it go? What, you scared that you'll lose against a Ranker?" Quant taunted.

"I told you, my objective isn't the badge right now. Or are you afraid of the dark? Do you need me there to hold your hand or something?" Cecelia replied, a gentle green-coloured magic circle healing Hatsu's wounds.


"Ah, shut up. Let's go."




Serena couldn't believe her eyes. What... just happened?! Did Hoh just... disappear in a cloud of burning ashes? She thought, rubbing her eyes.

"Hoh? This is a joke, right? Come out, this isn't funny anymore!!! Come on, don't just wander off on your own!!" She yelled, looking around frantically.

Then, almost as if something was answering her prayers, Hoh walked out of the darkness.

~~~ Brief Baam Pov ~~~

"Narmada, IGNITION!!"

Light green flames exploded towards Androssi and me as the swordsman Fisherman's sword ignited. I instinctively jumped in front of Androssi, using Shinsu to shield her and Cece from the blast. But as I hadn't been expecting such a strong attack, the shield started to crack and break. Cece pushed me behind her just as the shield broke.

The second the attack stopped and the smoke cleared away, I checked Cece's condition. She'll be fine. She's a Demon, after a- WHAT'S HAPPENING?! I yelled internally, as her body turned to stone and crumbled away into dust within my hands.

Shock, terror, fear, sadness- a confusing mix of emotions swirled through my gut as Cece perished in front of me, in my arms.

"C-Cece..." I muttered helplessly, not knowing what to do.

Then, as if a lightbulb was lighting up within my head, the face of Hoh appeared. T-that's right... Cece has a contract with Hoh!! She'll eventually come to him to get the rest of his soul!! And her mark... if she's alive, then her mark must still be on my neck, too!! I realized, instantly getting Androssi's attention for confirmation.

"Androssi!! Is- is Cece's mark still on my neck?" I asked hesitantly.

"Hah? Yeah, why?"

That was all I needed to hear.

I let my legs carry me towards Hoh as fast as they could, calling out to Cece desperately in my mind.

I can't... I can't betray or trick people to climb the Tower. That's why... that's why I'm going to protect those I love!! Cece, Lahel, please just be okay...!




~~~ Back to Third Pov ~~~

"Michelle, I'd like to talk about you and Baam," Hoh called out, facing Lahel's yellow Lighthouse.

And before long, Hoh (golem) was leading Lahel down a very dimly lit area, towards the start line.

"Who told you about Baam?" Lahel asked.

"So you do know each other. ...I received a letter. It said that if I were to get rid of you, Baam would also go away." Hoh (golem) spoke, placing a large and very sharp knife at Lahel's neck.

Meanwhile, Cecelia was incorporating everything that she knew about human psychology and Hoh to make her golem realistic. She knew that Baam would show up soon if she didn't hurry. But as always, fate had other things in mind for her. Quant made his presence known to Hoh (golem) and Lahel, angry for making his job even more annoying than it already was.

"H-how are you- why are you here?!" Hoh (golem) shouted, looking surprised.

"Shut up!! You're causing me a lot of trouble!!" Quant yelled back.

"I just- I just need to kill this woman!! That's all!!"


Baam's panicked voice rang out into the air, making Cecelia let out a sigh at her spot within the darkness. He's here... that makes this a lot more complicated...! Damn it!! She thought to herself, ruffling her hair in frustration. Nonetheless, she concentrated on controlling the golem of Hoh.

"Hoh? What are you doing?" Baam asked.

"Damn it. Why is this happening?" Hoh (golem) muttered, looking back and forth between Quant and Baam.

Hoh (golem) dragged Lahel away from the two, placing the knife even closer to Lahel's neck. Luckily enough, Quant left after showing Baam a technique that would allow him to immobilize their victim's body. This left Baam, Hoh (golem), and Lahel alone to sort out the situation. Of course, for some reason, Lahel thought that it would be a good idea to struggle against an opponent with a very large knife right at the exact moment.

"Let go of me!!!"


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Please note that Cecelia's acting in order to sell the lie that Hoh (golem) is actually Hoh (deceased).

2.7 pages, 904 words

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