Irregular (4)

449 24 7

(Do as infinity - Fukai Mori lyrics)

Song of the Chap!!

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Koon Pov

"You better prepare yourself. Even if the bumpy ride makes you motion-sick, I don't make extra stops." I warned Baam.

"HEY, I'M GOING TO BITE YOU INTO PIECES!!!!" Rak declared angrily at his lopsided position on the ground.

"Even though you can't get up by yourself?" I taunted.

"What? Rak? What happened to you? Why are you so small?" Baam asked.

"What?! You just noticed? You rascal..."

"All right, then. Now that that's decided, let's move. We have to go get Celia back, then go visit Hoh's grave." I said.

I wonder if she's all right... she seemed to be hurt by the fact that Baam chose Lahel over her. It'll mean that she won't be as close with Baam. .....That makes me happy and worried at the same time. I thought, letting out a sigh.

"Is Cece okay? She didn't look that good just now..." Baam started.

"OF COURSE NOT YOU CHOSE YELLOW TURTLE OVER WHITE TURTLE," Rak said, making Baam realize his mistake.

"E-excuse me!!" Baam said, running out the door.

After about an hour, we congregated outside, in the mass graveyard. Hoh (golem)'s body was lying in a glass case, his face peaceful. Baam had returned not too long ago, saying that he couldn't find Celia. He didn't say it, but his face showed everything. He felt guilty, conflicted, and worried.

Lahel, Rak, me, Baam, Serena, Androssi, Anaak, Laure, Shibisu, Hatsu... even Lero Ro, and Quant had come to send Hoh off properly. The only one missing was Celia.

"Cece!!" Baam cried out, just as the albino female let herself be known to the others.

She was wearing a simple but elegant black dress, paired with black gloves, headband, and shoes. In her hands, was a bouquet made of black roses and white chrysanthemums. She placed the bouquet on the glass surface and snapped her fingers.

A song started, echoing into the bright blue skies.

"I'm sure that the heart I left behind Still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest... Exhausted, without the strength to search, People vanish into the infinite darkness..." She sang, her smooth, lovely voice diffusing through the air.

".....As we live on, We lose a little bit more... Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out. The days pass by and change, Without us even realizing how blue the sky really is. Overcoming that made-up scheme, we live the present, And our rusted hearts begin to beat again..."

As Celia continued to sing, everyone gathered around, paying their respects to Hoh.

".....If we can find the rhythm of time, we can fly once again. We live our lives, Wandering to the ends of the earth... Believing in you, now I begin my journey with you, In search of the light. As we live on, We lose a little bit more. Shrouded in falsehoods and lies, We stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out..."

The song didn't exactly have the kind of feeling that you'd play at a funeral, but its lyrics were something that spoke of truth.

"...We live our lives, Wandering to the ends of the earth. Closing off the way back, We walk on for eternity... We live our lives standing frozen to the spot, Unable to cry out, for eternity."

Once she finished, she crouched down and said something in a language I didn't understand.

After the funeral was over, everyone had gathered around at the cafeteria, raising a glass to Hoh. Celia sat beside me, her glass of sake in her hands. Unlike the angry aura she had been emitting when she had left my room earlier, she now felt... emotionless. There was nothing there. Her face was passive and blank, blood-red eyes staring off into space.

"If we sit around crying, he'll be too worried to move on to the afterlife. So smile. Chee-"


Rak butted in at the end of Shibisu's speech, commencing the start of what would be a very long night.

--- Meanwhile ---

Baam and Lahel were together at the grassy fields by the graveyards, the others long forgotten.

"Thank you. For attending Hoh's funeral. ...It must've been hard." Baam told Lahel, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Lahel didn't' reply. Instead, she started crying.

"I'm sorry. I've upset you- or does your wound hurt?" Baam said hurriedly, apologizing.

"...I... abandoned you," Lahel started, tears still falling down her cheeks.

"I was desperate to see the stars. You were clueless and weak, and you were in my way. It annoyed me how persistently you followed me around nonetheless. I'm... I'm not the Lahel you loved anymore!!"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Shut the fuck up, you bitch.

I can't tell if she's being truthful (she probably is, to an extent) but I hate the bullshit coming out of her mouth. She reminds me of those kinds of people- the ones that victimize themselves and acts as though they've done nothing wrong even when they were practically asking for it.

Baam is too nice. If someone betrayed me like that, I would've followed them to the ends of the world, killed them, cut their head off, and hung it up on my bedroom wall as a reminder to others- don't cross me or I WILL kill you.

2.7 pages, 913 words

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