Chained (2)

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Pic doesn't belong to me!! I just translated it from Korean ^^ part 2 of the pic is on next chappie!!

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Cecelia Pov

Stuck between Baam and the back of the couch, I laid silently in his arms. While Cuddlecake slept, I thought up of ways where I would be able to continue preparations for my plans without getting him involved. He already had so much drama and pain between his family and Zahard- I didn't want to rub salt and vinegar in the old wounds that had been covered up with Arlen's faked death and V's suicide.

I need to get Lero Ro and Quant on the team before they go off somewhere else... but I can't do that with Baam stuck to my arm. And I can't just leave him... Slayer or not, I can't have two random Rankers walking into FUG Headquarters, either. What to do, what to do... oh, I know!

I'll just send a Golem.



From Koon? Is something wrong? I wondered, deciding to read the message.

Snowflake: Hey, Celia. How are you?

Celia: Me? I'm doing fine. How are you?

Snowflake: Plans are going well here. But I wanted to ask you about what really happened in that lake.

Celia: Ah, that's not my secret to tell. But what you're thinking is probably right.

Snowflake: I knew that bitch had something to do with it. Can't I just kill her?

Celia: Be my guest. But we both know that there will be complications with that.

Snowflake: Ugh.

Celia: I know, Snowflake. Hang tight.

Snowflake: I will. how's the search for Cuddlecake going?

Celia: I've found Baam. We met up today, and due to my twelve-day tardiness, I'm paying the price for it.

Snowflake: Really? That's great!! Wait, what do you mean, price?

Celia: He handcuffed me to him. I don't even know where he got the handcuffs!! And he threatened to chain me up and carry me around if I left again /(-w-)\ Help.

Snowflake: That's new. But to be honest, I'd do that too if you left me for twelve days without saying anything.

Celia: Hey!! You're supposed to be on my side!!

Just as I sent the text, Baam grumbled, rubbing his tired eyes awake. Aww... he's so cute... I thought. He noticed that I was texting someone, and immediately frowned slightly. Oh no.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Koon. He was asking if I'd found you yet."


A small smile appeared on Baam's face as he thought back to Koon and his other friends. He was prohibited from contacting his friends by FUG and Hansung Yu, but that wasn't the case for Cecelia. Now, he would be able to hear about them and not worry as much.

Snowflake: Cecelia? Is something wrong?

Cecelia: No, nothing's wrong. I'll make sure that we can meet up again. From now on, we're going to focus on getting Baam stronger so that he can pass the test on Floor 20- the "Needle Hole leading to Heaven".

Snowflake: That's our goal, too. But why can't you just open a portal and come back?

Cecelia: I can only portal somewhere that I've been before; as well, I need to know where I'm going and where I currently am for the spell to work properly. I don't know where you guys are, and there's a fair chance that I've never been there before. I'm not going to risk it because I could lose a few limbs along the way or get completely lost. I'd be fine, but Baam won't be.

Snowflake: Damn it. I miss you. And Baam.

Cecelia: .....I miss you too.

Snowflake: I'm glad to hear that. ...I gotta go. Some trouble's come up.

Cecelia: Good luck.

Baam looked at Cecelia with sparkling, hopeful eyes, clearly wanting to know about the conversation. She chuckled at his childish reaction.

"He said he misses us and wants to meet us soon. The others are doing well, too." Cecelia summed up.

"Our first goal is to get you stronger. I'm not financially lacking and I doubt that we'll have trouble passing the 20th Floor, but I can't be by your side every single minute of every single day." She continued, patting Baam's head gently.

"But I want to be by your side every single minute of every single day..." He muttered, shoulders sagging down like a depressed puppy.

"You can't train with me chained to you. I can't get my plans going, either. So while you're out with Hwa Ryun to train, you can keep me here, or keep me where you can see me in the training area. I'll send my golems out to get the plan proceeding instead of me."

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I apologize for the prolonged absence!! Summer school is kicking my butt.

So I wasn't told that ToG was a seasonal anime; and now that ep 13 is out, the anime won't be updated for a while. (Pt.1 of the webtoon is finished) This means that I'll be following the webtoon, to the best of my abilities. Well, until the anime continues updating, at least. Thank you for understanding!! Heading into Pt.2!!

We'll be starting from Webtoon part #82, where Baam (Jyu Viole Grace) meets Ja Wangnan on the 20th Floor. Baam will have Cecelia with him, of course. Cecelia will call Baam "Viole" in public, but still "Baam" when they're alone. As for changes in Baam with his and Cecelia's relationship... well, you'll see.

2.6 pages, 921 words

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