FUG Slayers (2)

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I've had trouble explaining/writing out the Webtoon for the story, as there's no movement to describe. There are lots of jokes where it's hard to understand if you're not well-versed or used to Korean Culture, and some scenes are just funny because they're depicted that way as a picture in the Webtoon.

I'm trying my best to keep things moving so that things stay interesting. Thank you for sticking up with it!!

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Brief Cecelia Pov

The door holding the last Regular for our group opened, the Regular inside walking out yelling.

"What the Hell? There's so many-"


Those were his last words.

The force field I had created disappeared as the giant stood up once again, eyes darting between me and Baam. Mr.silver fish-head glared at me too, and I gave them a friendly wave and a smile. Fish-head spat out a wad of blood, now back up on his feet.

"Hey, Teddybear. I changed my mind. Let's work together- to survive from those two monsters."

Baam met my eyes and gave me a firm nod, confirming the fact that he was fine and would be terminating the two on his own.

"Reduce his movements. I'll finish this with one shot." The silver fish-head spoke.

"Understood." The giant, nicknamed "Teddybear" replied.

Let me just say that the two didn't even last one minute against Baam. With another building-shaking BOOM, the two were back in their proper places- inside a wall somewhere. The next up was Wangnan. To be completely honest, I didn't mind someone aloof like him. But I could smell it.

He was Zahard's relative.


Third Pov

"Vis, it's nice to see you again. Even though it's only a golem and not your real self." Zahard commented, giving Cecelia a small smile.

"Oh? So you can tell." Cecelia replied, settling herself down on the couch across from him.

"Your golems don't smell like you." He replied, making Cecelia cringe internally.

This guy... I don't know if I should feel creeped out or take it as a compliment... Although that is a nice comment for me to take note of for the next time I make a golem of myself. She made an internal note to herself, before focusing back on the case at hand.

"What do you want? Why'd you call me?" She asked.

"It's been almost a year and a half since I last saw you. I was just wondering how you've been doing. Ah, I've been told that you're spending an awful amount of time with that kid- what's his name again? Bean?"

"What about it?"

"Do you like him or something? Why are you spending so much time with him?"

"That's none of your business. Wait, did you call me all the way up to the 134th floor just to ask me that?!" Cecelia half screamed, eyes widening in outrage.

".....Of course not. I wanted to know if you've made up your mind about the marriage-"

"It's still a no, Zahard. I don't want some pathetic political marriage without love. Do you know why I started to climb the Tower? It was for love." Cecelia argued.

"But Demons can't-"

"That's a myth. I'm a living being too. I can think, feel, and hurt just like a human. I was just born with powers, a different dietary need, and a different body. That doesn't mean that I can't feel emotions like humans can. The only reason why we hide our emotions away is because strength is everything in Demon Society."

Zahard was at a loss for words.

"That was all you wanted to ask, right? I'm busy."


"I have no intention of getting married to you, so stop calling me up unless it's something actually important."


Cecelia broke out of her daydreaming when Wangnan's loud yelling pierced her sensitive eardrums.


Wait... isn't that a PokeBall? She thought, confused at the string of "bombs" attached to Wangnan's waist. Wangnan continued to run around like a madman, Baam chasing after him like a person chasing after a rogue cockroach. Wangnan continued to throw bomb after Shinsu bomb at Baam, in hopes of dealing some damage. Unfortunately for him, Baam was at a level where he could control all Shinsu within his sight.

"What the fuck!? What are you, some immortal being?! Why won't you die?!!?" Wangnan complained, running as though the Devil was after him.

Cecelia snickered to herself at the blonde's comment. He's not immortal, but I am.

"H- How long do I have?!" Wangnan asked the two girls sitting beside Cecelia.

"Fifty seconds!!"

If Wangnan somehow managed to survive for the next fifty seconds, then he'd be able to get to the next part of the floor test. But to Cecelia's shock, the bombs that Wangnan had weren't all Shinsu bombs.


Baam can't defend himself against regular bombs!! She thought, throwing herself in between the bomb and Baam. Thankfully, she made it just in time.

"W-what... is that?"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

It's a motherfucking Demon. What else?

2.6 pages, 853 words

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