Connector (1)

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This is a reminder that "The Red Tanager", the FUG Slayer has black hair and red eyes- while "Cecelia Lucifer" the Regular has white hair and red eyes. It the same as how none of Baam's friends recognized him when he was "Viole", with the long hair. (LOL)

Anime logic: If you want to hide, wear a pair of glasses. No one will recognize you.

NOTE: Bold and Italicized words are words spoken in the Demon language.

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Cecelia/Red Pov

Leaving Baam with an encouraging conversation and a chaste kiss, I hurried back to my room where I'd hidden my connector.

I wanted to bring it with me to the change room, but then I wouldn't be able to stop a Regular if they decided to steal it from the change room. I'd also thought about bringing it with me into the bath, but I didn't know if the connector was waterproof. Most human contraptions I knew were not waterproof or magicproof- and the last thing I needed was to end up getting separated from Baam due to a silly mistake. Somehow thinks that the connector would be semen-proof

I had left the door to my room open, relatively confident that other Regulars wouldn't go inside. Even if they did go in, who the hell would go through used condoms in search of someone's connector?

And it wasn't as though there were a few condoms, either.

When I arrived, the door was closed. Someone's inside. If I was any normal Demon, I would've just punched or kicked the door down. Unfortunately, physical strength was not on my side. I placed my hand against the cold metal of the door, a light blue magic circle

"It's... clean?" I muttered, taking note of how clean and pristine my room was.

Do they have housekeeping here? I wondered, before noticing loud whispers emitting from the closet.

"Wangnan? Goseng? Get out of the closet."


"Uh, hey, Red." Wangnan greeted awkwardly, sweating nervous bullets.


"Were you the ones that cleaned up?"

"Y-yeah..." Wangnan muttered, avoiding eye contact with me.

Seeing how the condoms were cleaned up, there was a high chance that they'd found my connector. If they found the connector, they found the remote- but knowing how Wangnan wanted Baam to choose him and his band of friends as colleagues, there was a low chance of them choosing to fail me from the exam. What I wanted to know was whether they actually went through every single one of those balloons in search of my connector.

"You're here for my connector, right? Did you find it?" I questioned nonchalantly.

Wangnan and Goseng paled slightly. Probably remembering some nasty memories, I bet... serves you right for thinking that making me and/or Baam joining you would be easy. Snickering at their reactions, I called up Kiasel, my weakest-level Ifrit*.

"Find me the remote and my connector," I ordered, watching the small fireball get to work.

It flittered around the room, checking every nook and cranny. Within a minute, it had grabbed the remote with both connectors out of Wangnan's back pocket and carried it back to me.

"Thanks, Kiasel. Tell the others that I say hi."

Kiasel went back to Hell with a small POOF, leaving me alone with Wangnan, Goseng, and the remote. One connector was mine, while the other was Wangnan's. He pressed the blue button... I realized. Although I'm not surprised... their goal is to make Baam and me join their team so that they'd be able to climb the Tower.

Tossing the remote away, I plopped onto the bed, focusing on my Demon contract mark on my hand. I had to make sure that I'd be able to save Baam if he ended up getting in trouble- although I didn't worry too much.

"If you can get Viole to join the group without my help, then I'll come on board, too. If you can't get him to join, then I'll be leaving as well- even if that means I have to kill every single one of you to do it." I stated, throwing Wangnan his connector back.

"You- you're not angry?" Goseng questioned.

"Should I be? You two had what it took to find my connector. If you're willing to go through stacks of used condoms in search of something that may not even be there, you definitely deserve the chance to get two FUG Salyers in your team as well." I replied, snickering.

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*: Ifrit, also spelled as "Efreet" and "Afrit", is a powerful type of demon in Islamic mythology. The Afrit is often associated with the underworld and also identified with the spirits of the dead, and have been compared to evil geniī loci in European culture.

2.4 pages, 798 words

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