Tag (2)

592 36 1

Third Pov

"They seriously can't have a Ranker be their "IT"."

"It seems that the Shinsu that he can use is limited. It's not a bad deal. The bigger problem is their other "IT"." Koon started.

"That innocent-looking, pretty-faced girl? What about her?"

"She's a Demon."

"What?! Aren't they supposed to be extinct?"

"Quite a number of them are still alive. There's just not that many in the Tower, that's all."

"Oh, man!! We're screwed!! How are we going to win against a Ranker and a Demon?!"

"Do you have an idea?" A woman asked Koon.

"If you'll make me Team Leader, I'll tell you. Although I can't guarantee that we'll get Cecelia, but I do have a plan for getting that Ranker out of the way." He replied, smirking deviously.


"What's his deal?"

"Why not? It's the Light Bearer's job to lead the team anyway. Quit putting on airs and tell us," Shibisu stated, taking Koon's side.

"First, we'll set the bait," Koon started, unravelling his plans.




"So... I'm the bait, huh?" Shibisu grumbled.

[That's the Scout's job. ] Koon replied through Shibisu's Pocket.

"What a crap position. I'm counting on you, Leeron 3." Shibisu stated, looking up at the pink Lighthouse in the air.


[Anyway, it's too bad.] Shibisu's voice came out through Koon's Pocket, which was floating in the air beside the young male.

"Hm?" Koon hummed, confused.

[I mean Baam and Cecelia. They ended up on the other Team. I don't know the exact numbers, but if we win...]

"Bam will fail. I know that."

[That's a cool reaction, considering how close you are- with both Cecelia and Baam.]

"That's how Tests work," Koon replied bitterly.

[Anyways, are you sure that he'll come if you make the bait this obvious?]

"He'll come. He's a Ranker. Not only that, but he's a sore loser, too. He'll definitely take the bait. Our only problem is Cecelia. I have information about her, but I don't know her true limits-"

"Seriously? Using yourself as bait? How uninspired of you, my little apprentice!!" Quant yelled, running towards Shibisu.


A spear flew through the air as Quant skillfully dodged the attack, even with his hands tied behind his back.

"Are you trying to buy time for your "IT" to escape? No matter. We have a Demon on our side. But you haven't learned enough as a Light Bearer. A Light Bearer uses Shinsu to fly, so..."

Quant used his speed to practically disappear from Shibisu's view, deciding to attack Leesoo 3, who was working away in his pink Lighthouse.

"If the Light Bearer loses consciousness... your Team loses its eyes."

"Uh- uh- UWAH!!! That was close..." Shibisu muttered, having bearly evaded from the Lighthouse falling onto him from the air.

"Your other Light Bearer is with your "IT", isn't he?" Quant's voice rang through the air.

"Dammit!! Where is he?!"

"A first-rate Scout doesn't need light."

Just as Quant appeared from the darkness and into view, a smirk appeared on Shibisu's and Koon's lips.


"No way-!! What's a Lighthouse doing here?" Quant muttered, pleasantly surprised.

"Sorry, but our "IT" is right here!!" Anaak yelled, attacking Quant with her Green April.


She was sent hurtling through the air and hit the ground rather painfully when Quant grabbed the end of her Green April and pulled her off of the Lighthouse with force.

"You set the bait to capture me. You think that I'd be that easy to beat?" Quant growled.

--- Meanwhile ---

"I told you, that's his problem!!" Lero Ro complained, watching the game happen through the immense HD-TV bolted to the wall.

"He becomes angry and indiscriminate. Then there's the Demon, who's disappeared into nowhere the moment the game started..." Lero Ro continued, putting his face in his hands in despair.

"She's back," Yu Han Sung replied, making Lero Ro's head perk up in interest.

"Wait... are those... heads? So much blood... quick, check how many from the other Team's dead!!"

"No one from either of the Teams is dead. Those heads belong to a certain Ranker and his subordinates. I believe that they are responsible for... who was it again? A Regular named Hoh's Tribe's massacre."

"No way... she found all those people, killed them, and brought their heads back? But how? The Game only started ten minutes ago!!"

"Remember, Lero Ro. Demons aren't human. They are incapable of being human. However, this makes them perfect for things that cannot be done as a human. By the looks of how happy she seems, I bet that she ate a disgusting amount of souls before returning with the heads." Yu Han Sung said, sipping his instant coffee as usual.

"Now. Shall we continue watching how the Game goes on?"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Oh. My Satan. Sorry for the wait you guys!! But there's more content than usual... plus, you got those two filler chapters, too. Y'all better be very happy, since I've sacrificed a lot of my sleep!! It's nearly 4 AM here!!

Anyhoo, thanks for reading!! And I'll be back again soon enough!!

2.6 pages, 852 words

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