I'm Not Drunk, You Are (2)

685 33 16

Third Pov (Flashback Continued)

At Koon's shout, Baam sprang up from his spot. He had been out of commission ever since that first mug of beer.

"I'm not asleep!! I wasn't sleeping!!" He said as he waddled over to Cecelia, who was dressed in nothing but a tight tube top and a pair of booty shorts.

"Cece... hug me... and pet my hair..." Baam whined, clinging and cuddling up against her.

Cecelia could feel something primal within her stir awake as Baam nuzzled into the crook of her neck, his hot breath breezing past her neck and ears as arms wrapped around her from behind. But "something primal" was gone the second she felt it churn in her stomach- as alcohol had gotten the best of her. And who knows? Maybe it's for the best.

"Baam, you're drunk..." Cecelia mumbled, as she stumbled and fell over backward with Baam in tow.


"NUH!! I'M NOT DRUNK, YOU ARE!!!" Baam argued.

The four others stared at Cecelia and Baam, who was sprawled over the floor. Cecelia had spun around at the last moment, using her body to cushion Baam from the fall. That had its good points and bad points.

First of all, Baam had faceplanted into Cecelia's ample bosom. She was too drunk to care, but it affected Baam. He hurriedly got himself off of her, trying to check for her well-being despite his drunken stupor. But in the others' point of view, Baam had tackled Cecelia to the ground and had caged her in his arms underneath him.

"Baam!! You can't sleep with a lady here!! You're supposed to be doing that in the privacy of your room!!" Shibisu cried out, catching Koon's attention.

"Baam's going to sleep with someone?! But he doesn't have protection!! Cecelia!! Get Baam a condom!!" Koon said, blindly grabbing things from his bag.

"Baam's not going to sleep with anyone!! He's MY precious cinnamon roll!! Baam, your elephant better stay limp!!" Cecelia bellowed.

"Cece, I don't know what that means... kiss my forehead and pet my hair like you used to back home..." Baam passively-aggressively requested, cuddling up against Cecelia, who was now sitting up.

"You're being so clingy, Baam... I told you that I'm not going to go anywhere, remember?" Cecelia stated, brushing her slender fingers through his soft hair.

"I want to- no, I'm going to keep you in my arms like this... forevah!!" Baam half-stated and half-shouted, sitting cross-legged against one of the many sofas scattered around the room with Cecelia curled up in his arms.


Koon yelled once again, stumbling over to Baam and Cecelia with a bottle of vodka in his hands. He haphazardly sat down in front of them, trusted the bottle of vodka in Baam's hands, and pulled Cecelia into his arms. Baam whined and tackled Koon in an attempt to take Cecelia back.


This resulted in the three of them falling to the ground once again, Cecelia sandwiched between the two males.

Then, almost as though everything had been planned, Hatsu started to walk circles around the trio, using his stilts. The white blouse that Cecilia had been wearing was clenched between his teeth, the Asian male's stoic facial expression unchanging. In the background, Shibisu was singing "You're My Everything" by John Park.

"When I kiss your lips~~~~ I feel the rolling thunder to my fingertips~~~ And all awhile my head is in a spin... Deep within I'm in love~!!!" He screamed, singing dramatically.

"Cecelia, you know, I heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else....." Koon started, drawling off.

"Really? The great Koon Aguero Agnis, being bottom? I never *hic* took you as a bottom guy." Cecelia replied, snickering.

".....Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty." He mumbled, giving her a dazzling smile.

Koon was very very drunk, but the smile was dazzling nonetheless. But before he could continue, Baam stole her away from Koon and said something that unfortunately would be forgotten to him by the next morning.

"Cecelia... I want you to love me. I want you to trust me enough to let me love you, and I want you to stay here with me so we can build a life together..... That's what I want." Baam confessed, just before his golden eyes flickered closed.

"Ah. He's asleep...." Cecelia uttered, only to turn around and meet Koon's devious expression.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Is it just me, or is Koon flirting with Cecelia?

2.4 pages, 797 words

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