The Crown Game (2)

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Third Pov

Baam waddled to the front of the room, which had been barred to prevent the group from leaving. He blankly stared at the girl in the room across theirs, calling out for her.

"Lahel!! LAHEL!!"

The girl didn't move. She didn't even look at Baam or flinch when her name was called out. Cecelia merely glared at the female, obvious distaste and hate written all over her face. Cecelia wanted to get Baam out of his shell and away from Lahel as fast as possible. She was bad news, and since Baam probably wouldn't believe anything that she told him about Lahel, all Cecelia could do was to wait and hope.

Hope that Lahel would prove herself to be the bitch she truly was.

"Lahel? The girl that you're looking for?" Koon commented, walking up to Baam.

".....Yeah, but it's not her." Baam replied, his face falling.

Cecelia silently rolled her eyes. Baam couldn't even tell that it was Lahel. She had thoroughly brainwashed him- or "tamed" him enough to the point where he revolved his life around her.

"ARE YOU LISTENING, EVERYONE? SINCE THE CHAPPENGERS CAN NO LONGER FIGHT, WE'LL MOVE ON TO THE NEXT GAME. IF YOU'D LIKE TO PARTICIPATE, PLEASE PRESS YOUR BUZZER." Lero Ro's voice reverberated around the room, just as the tracksuit guy (Shibisu) started to complain to Annak.

--- Koon Pov ---

"Entering another team's waiting room will result in disqualification..." Rak muttered, reading the detailed explanation of the rules posted on the wall.

"Oh, so you can read, Gator?" I commented playfully, stunning the reptile.

Cecelia snickered at my comment, the black mask around her neck shaking in its spot. It doesn't look like a gas mask... what is it for? I wondered.

"Hey, Cecelia-"

"IN ANY CASE, IF YOU'D LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEXT GAME, PLEASE PRESS YOUR BUZZER." The Administrator commented, cutting me off from questioning Cecelia about her mask.

Of course, then I had to stop the 'Gator from pressing the buzzer. I wanted to wait until we had Annak off of the chair. Baam could barely protect himself, much less fight. The Gator and I could hold our own, but I knew nothing about Cecelia's fighting abilities- or much about her in general. Since she was still alive even with her striking looks, I had to assume that she could at least protect herself.

"If you insist, give me ten chocolate bars and you have a deal," Rak spoke, willing to make an agreement.

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, digging through my bag for more of the sweets.

"Ooh!! Can I have one too?" Cecelia chimed in, catching the chocolate bar that I had thrown to her.

"You must be hungry, huh?" Baam commented.

"Aren't you going to have one, Baam? You gotta keep your strength up if you're going to fight." Cecelia told him as I handed Baam a chocolate bar of his own.

"Ah, thank you."

"ZEEEEEEROOOO!! THE TIME TO SIGN UP HAS ENDED." The Administrator yelled, signalling that the next round of the Crown Game would now begin.

Two of the Waiting room doors opened, which meant that only two of the other teams were going to participate. The four of us watched the game silently. Cecelia seemed to be entertained by the game in general.

"Normally, we would've crossed our swords in a fight, fair and square. No hard feelings, swordsman." A guy with weird-looking wings spoke, attracting Cecelia's attention.

She nibbled on her chocolate bar, silently watching the black-haired guy she had been talking to before.

"Oh, right. Cecelia, what's with the mask you're wearing? It's not a gas mask, and it seems to be made of metal..." I questioned, looking at the black mask hanging on her neck.

"This? I wear it when I'm fighting or when I'm on a job. It's like a signal of sorts. If I'm wearing this while I'm fighting, it means that I'm serious. I usually don't wear it since it changes my personality."

"Changes... your personality?"

Does she have a split personality or something? I wondered.

"You'll see. Baam hasn't seen it yet, either." Cecelia just gave me her mysterious smile.

She turned her gaze back to the fight, where the tracksuit dude- Shibisu, was it? Was being held in place as a woman was about to stab him with her dagger. He clenched his eyes closed, waiting for his impending doom.


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2.3 pages, 743 words

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