I'm Not Drunk, You Are (1)

692 31 12

Please Note: come crude jokes, mentions of sex, and some swear words ahead!!

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Third Pov

Having apologized to his Team members for losing against the ranker, Koon put on an act. He made it seem so that he was overcome with guilt at the fact that he wasn't able to bring Team A to victory despite all of his confidence. Easily enough, the other Regulars bought his act and forgave him. Little did they know that Koon's plans had one exactly according to plan.

He sat in his spot, thinking back to the evening of approximately two days ago.


Koon, Cecelia, Baam, Shibisu, and Hatsu were at the Bar, which was located behind the Cafeteria kitchen. It was a classy, isolated room filled with tables and couches.

Hatsu sipped at his sake while Baam stared at his beer with an uncertain look. Shibisu gulped down his beer as if it was water, his face already turning bright red. Cecelia and Hatsu poured sake for each other, drinking silently. Koon sat in his seat, trying to talk Baam into drinking.

"Stop trying to get Baam drunk, Koon!! Why don't you drink some yourself?" Cecelia asked, pushing Shibisu's new mug of beer towards the male.

"Eh~? Is that a challenge?"

"No, no, guys, stooop~!" Shibisu cut in.

"Let's~ play Spin the Bottle!!" He suggested, pulling an empty bottle out of nowhere.

"How does it work?" Baam questioned, putting his still full mug of beer on the table.

"You spin the bottle, and if it lands on you, you have to answer any questions that we ask you truthfully. If you can't or won't answer the question, then you have to drink!!" Shibisu explained, placing down two bottles of vodka and five shot glasses onto the table.

Koon smirked and rolled his sleeves up, ready to go. Baam and Cecelia exchanged nervous glances while Hatsu shrugged. Why not? It's not like anything is going to happen. Cecelia thought, cleaning the table to make room for the bottle. Shibisu placed the empty bottle at the space created, and spun it expertly.

Everyone stared at the bottle expectantly. And as luck would have it, the bottle pointed at Koon just as it stopped.

"Okay~! Who has questions for Koon?" Shibisu asked.


"Oh!! Baam has a question!!"

"C-can I ask about... anything?" Baam questioned, looking at Shibisu for the answer.

"Yup~! You can ask anything!! And he has to tell the truth!!"

"O-okay... Um, Koon, can I ask... how you truly feel about Cecelia?" Baam asked, facing Koon with fearful eyes.


A moment of awkward silence followed as Koon seemed to be deep in thought. Then without another word, he took the shot glass, filled it, and downed it in one shot.

"O~kay~ then~! Truth or Dare, Koon?" Shibisu asked, slurring his words slightly.



"Wait- but-" Cecelia protested, surprised at the sudden attack.

"What's a French Kiss?" Baam asked to no one in particular, although he didn't like the feeling that the two words brought to him.

Shibisu pushed Baam's full mug of beer towards Koon with an evil-looking grin. The meaning was obvious: If you aren't going to do it, then you have to drink the beer. Koon let out a sigh at the gesture. I'm here to keep an eye on Cecelia and Baam, not get drunk myself.... but here we go anyway... It's not because I want to kiss her, all right?! He thought, before edging closer to Cecelia.

Cecelia had a small blush on her cheeks, although no one except for the girl would know if the blush was caused by embarrassment or by the alcohol that she had consumed. As their lips drew closer ever so slowly, Baam cut in once again with his innocent mind and innocent question.

"Shibisu, what's a french kiss?"

"You'll see, Baam. Just watch." Shibisu replied, side hugging Baam.

But at the last moment, Baam grabbed the mug of beer set in front of Koon and chugged it down with a frown on his face.

"Hey!!" Shibisu complained.

Baam had drunk the beer that was meant for Koon, therefore freeing Cecelia and Koon from the kiss that they were supposed to share. The two drew away from each other, mixed feelings churning in their hearts. Once he was done drinking, Baam set the mug down with a SLAM, his face starting to turn red.

"I- I don't know what *hic* a french kiss is, but *hic* I don't want Koon and Cecelia to do it!!" He shouted.




Three hours had passed since then. Shibisu, Baam and Hatsu were completely drunk, and Koon was well on his way there as well. Cecelia was not completely gone, but her actions sure made it seem that way.

While Shibisu sang sad ballads in the background with crocodile tears streaming down his face and holding a beer mug upside-down, Cecelia was pole-dancing. To be specific, she was pole-dancing and stripping at the same time. Hatsu was somehow managing to walk around the room using his two swords as stilts, chewing on Cecelia's clothes as he did so. Meanwhile, Koon was shouting to no one in particular, downing drink after drink.


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Author: *laughing maniacally* Anyone else find this funny?

2.7 pages, 904 words

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