Underwater Hunt (1)

410 22 1

Third Pov

Baam had entered his test room, to go through the Administrators' Test as planned. This left Hansung Yu and Lahel all alone in a room. Cecelia had been in the room with them as well but soon left to join the other waiting Regulars when Lahel's constant glances and stares came too annoying for her to bear. Cecelia knew that she was pretty, but that didn't mean that she liked being stared at- and by a girl, too, no less.

"...What do you desire?" Hansung Yu asked all of a sudden.

"Huh?" Lahel muttered, looking surprised.

"This is your last chance. Your last chance at getting to the top of the Tower, miss Michelle Light. Your last chance at continuing." Hansung Yu commented, a knowing smirk adorning his face.

Lahel didn't answer as reality finally set into her slow-ass brain. Many thoughts ran rampant in her mind. Just as she was about to ask Hansung Yu what he had meant with the question, Baam walked out of the test room with a small smile on his face.

"Did the Administrator approve of your request?" The blond Ranker asked Baam.

"He said that Lahel and I could take the test. The rest is up to you, Director," Baam replied, nodding.

"Lahel. You're a very lucky person." Hansung Yu commented, before leading the two out of the room and to the other Regulars.

"Now, then. Let's begin the Final Test."




"You will be hunting underwater." Hansung Yu started, beginning to explain the Test to the Regulars.


"You're the ones being hunted." Hansung Yu stated, cutting Rak of from his excited frenzy.

"If you keep interrupting, he'll shrink you again," Koon commented playfully in a sing-song voice.

Rak glanced at Hansung Yu with slight fear in his face, fearing for the size of his body (he had gotten back to his normal, big form not too long ago). When the blond Ranker looked back at him with the shit-eating, I'm-going-to-kill-you closed-eye smile, the large gator-man couldn't help but sit down back in his seat silently.

"Baam and Lahel will become "fish" and be hunted by Net Dolphins." Hansung Yu continued.

"This is a Net Dolphin. They hunt once a day for the Net Dolphin Queen. Net Dolphins use Shinsu to create nets and trap underwater fish. Baam and Lahel will enter a bubble made of Shinsu. If they are eaten by the Net Dolphin Queen along with the fish and is spat back out onto dry land, you will have passed the test." He finished, using cartoony diagrams to help explain our goal.

"Let me guess. Our goal is to help the Net Dolphins and make sure that Baam and Lahel are eaten by the Net Dolphin Queen. Correct?" Cecelia cut in, drawling.

"Correct. In the natural world, there are those who eat-" Hansung Yu stated, glancing at Cecelia.

"-And those who are eaten." He finished, just as Cecelia raised an eyebrow at his actions.

"Barnacle Goblins use giant Wetworms to steal the fish gathered by the Net Dolphins. If Baam and Lahel are eaten by a Wetworm, you fail. The old enemy of the Barnacle Goblins and the Wetworms is the striped Earthpig."

"It kind of looks like Rak," One of the younger Regulars commented innocently, making Cecelia crack a smile for the first time in a while.

"WHAT?!" Rak yelled in shock.

"When Net Dolphins see the striped Earthpigs, they flee, fearing they'll be eaten." Hansung Yu stated.

"In other words, our job is to make sure that the Net Dolphins can hunt freely," Koon summed up.

"Correct. And finally, pray that you won't encounter the Bull. It is a monster that consumes everything that moves. Even Rankers run from its ferocity."

"Something that dangerous is out there?" Shibisu muttered, shaking that Hansung Yu's comment about the Bull.

"This is your last chance to reconsider. I'd be glad to get in the Bubble with Lahel instead of you." Cecelia told Baam, two was sitting on her left.

"No. I trust you- and my teammates." Baam replied, determination shining on his cute face.

Cecelia could only let out a sigh at Baam's words. What am I going to do with this innocent, naive cinnamon roll...? Sometimes, he's just so cute that I want to eat him up. And sometimes, he's so stubborn and clueless that I want to punch him. She complained internally, before letting out a groan.

"Celia? What's wrong?" Koon whispered, noticing his damsel in distress.

"Nothing. Comfort me." Cecelia stated tiredly, before cuddling into Koon's arms.

"Hey!! Not here!! Not now!!" Koon whisper-yelled back, panic written across his face.

Baam silently watches the two from the sidelines, feeling a small sprout of jealousy beginning to grow in his heart. He glanced at Lahel, who was paying her full attention to Hansung Yu. Then he glanced back at Cecelia, who had her arms wound around Koon's waist.

Baam knew that he needed to come to terms with his feelings. And fast.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I apologize for the late update, everyone!! It's the final week of school, and I was busy and needed to take some time for myself. You know, cool off. I still have some assignments to finish/wrap up. Thank you for understanding. I'll be back as soon as I can!!

2.7 pages, 907 words

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