Trustworthy Room (5)

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So far, I have 21 people that took the poll. 79 more to go!!

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Cecelia Pov

I let out a silent sigh. I'd been so engrossed in the impending relaxation that I forgot to check the bathwater for any harmful materials. You reap what you sow, I guess. I hope Baam's holding out okay... I thought, waiting for the feeling in my body to return. Since my heart didn't beat, whatever chemical was in my body took longer to take effect and wear off.

"What did you do with Red?" I heard Baam's voice echo through the men's bath.

Wait... there's no reason for him to be here!! Unless... the test started already?! Crap. I should've expected the baths to not have a PA system!! I thought, trying to move my still numb limbs.

The Demon mark on my hand burned painfully. Baam's calling me... what horrible timing. I still can't move, and I've barely gotten control of my fingertips. Wait until I get a hold of you, woman...!! I'll rip your guts out!!

"...I saw her walking into the women's bath on my way here. And she hasn't left since. But other than that, I don't know." I could hear Love's voice faintly, which was then followed by a pair of feet hurrying towards the women's bath.

Oh no.

Don't come in yet, Baam!! I don't want you to get a heart attack!!

Despite my wishes, Baam entered the bath noisily and instantly noticed my body hanging up in the air. Well, at least Love didn't follow him... or else I'd have to pluck his eyes out for seeing my naked body. I grunted internally.



--- Baam Pov ---

My head went blank at the thought of Cece being hurt or dead (if possible). Controlling Shinsu to cut the bonds keeping her bound, I took notice of the slight discoloration on her skin. ...Poison? I wondered, taking note of the possibility. That would explain the reason why she can't move.

"Are you all right? Blink once if you're okay, twice if you're not." I said, taking her body down and covering her up with my flannel.

Cece blinked once, letting a flood of relief take over my system.

"You're not lying to make me feel relieved, right?"

She blinked twice, which meant that she wasn't lying. Gathering Cece's body into my arms, I headed into the change room to get her dressed. ...Wherever her clothes may be.

"Who did this to you?"

Cece's body floated up into the air as she wiggled her index finger, a wave of green magic surrounding her body. I watched in awe and mild surprise as the discoloration in her skin faded away.

"I was planning on waiting until I could move my arms, but since you got to me a lot faster than that-"


Now that the fear and worry had passed, the feelings were replaced by anger. A lot of anger.

"I don't understand the reason why you're worried that I'd be hurt all the time. As long as there's plenty of souls that I can take, I can heal myself back from the brink of death. I'm a Demon, Baam. I can reattach limbs. I don't need a beating heart or air to survive. I may be weak when it comes to strength, but my magic covers up for most of my deficiencies. You really don't have to worry."


It was at times like this that I felt the difference between humans and Demons the most. Cece was a lot more detached and muted when it came to her feelings. She worried a lot for me since I was a human and was weaker than a Demon in general. But she didn't understand the reason why I was so attached to her, love or not. She also didn't understand the reason why I worried about her constantly when there was a fight or if there was the possibility of danger.

"Look closely, Baam," Cece said, pointing to her horribly bruised neck.

The bruise became fainter rapidly as it healed within a matter of seconds.

"Even without magic or any extra help, something that would've been life-threatening for a human is nothing but a scratch for a Demon. I'm not made of glass. I can fight just fine. You don't have to constantly worry that I'd end up dead somewhere and never return."

"Then tell me the reason why you won't promise that you'll never leave me."

".....Because, Baam, one day, I will leave you."

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We've hit 90 chapters!! Ten more until we go over to book 2!! For the last chapter of this book, I'd like to do a Q&A session. So please don't hesitate to send/comment any questions that you have!!

2.4 pages, 842 words

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