Chained (7)

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Note: The badge is shaped the same way as Cecelia's contract mark.

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Third Pov

"Say that you co-founding Winged Tree with Urek Mazino is true. Why do you want us to join your private Information force?" Lero Ro questioned.

"For starters, we know each other. It's better than me going out and hunting random people. I don't know about Quant, but you want to know the truth. You're driven, hardworking, and know your shit. You also know your place. The fact that the two of you are Rankers is another reason. But more importantly, I like men who know what they want and is willing to do what's necessary to get what they want." Cecelia smirked, sipping her tea.

Lero Ro stared at the young woman in front of him for a good few seconds, before making his choice. Noticing the change in his demeanour, Cecelia's smirk grew wider. She held her small hand out, blood-red eyes gleaming with a predatory gaze.

"Don't you dare, Ro- I don't trust Demons one bit!!" Quant argued, stopping Lero Ro from taking Cecelia's hand.

A sinister chuckle caught the two's attention.

Unlike the chilling sound that had escaped between the Demon woman's red-pink lips, Cecelia's expression was as peaceful and cheerful as always.

"To be honest, the two of you don't have much of a choice. Now that you know that I'm one of the founders for the Winged Tree, I can't let you go. The two of you also know that I have a private information force- which is kept strictly under wraps."

".....You're planning on killing us if we don't join." Lero Ro summed up.

"Correct. But since I like the two of you, I'll throw in another deal. If you choose to join me, I'll make it so that no other Demon will harm either of you."

Lero Ro and Quant glanced at each other. They didn't have a choice, did they? Plus, it wasn't a bad deal. They would get lots out of it. Lero Ro held his hand out, taking hold of Cecelia's small hand.

Lero Ro felt a burning sensation spread through his body the moment he clasped the young demon woman's hand. His eyes widened, and he tried to pull away.

"Ah-ah. Keep still." Cecelia warned, making the male freeze.

"What are you doing?" Lero Ro asked, glaring lightly.

"Marking your soul. Other Demons won't be allowed to harm you in any way. If you get kidnapped, then... that's your problem, I'm afraid." Cecelia answered, laughing softly.

Lero Ro felt the burning sensation dissipate. Cecelia handed him the half-winged Winged Tree badge, along with another. It was a silver brooch, shaped in a symbol that he couldn't help but swear that he'd seen somewhere before. Having finished her handshake with Lero Ro, Cecelia moved on to Quant. He looked at Cecelia suspiciously, before grumbling at Lero Ro once again.

"I swear... if I end up dying on this job because of you, I'll come back to life and kick your ass, Ro."

"Don't worry. I'll do it for you." Cecelia commented, repeating what she had done to Lero Ro.

Quant raised an eyebrow at the strange but regal-looking brooch and badge in his hand, before glancing back at Cecelia and Lero Ro.

"You are to keep both the badge and brooch on you at all times. You'll only be issued with one badge, and will not be given another if you lose them. The badges both come with lots of incredible benefits, so I suggest you take good care of them."

The two Rankers nodded in understanding.

"Your first job is to get to the 77th Floor. Once you get there, show a member of the Winged Tree the badge and brooch that you've both received. They'll know what to do after that."

Cecelia finished her tea, stood up, and said her goodbyes.

"Good luck~"


Cecelia's blood-red eyes fluttered open as Baam stood up from his spot on the floor, holding the demon woman in his arms. The scent of five other Regulars (not including herself or Baam) poked at her nose. Noticing that she was awake, Baam let Cecelia down onto her feet. A tall male with silver hair and pale yellow eyes glanced her over, before raising an eyebrow.

"There's no need to vote. ...Because I'm going to fail everyone else other than myself and the Red Tanager here." Baam announced calmly.

"You and that puny woman's going to fail everyone here...? What the Hell are you talking about?" The silver-haired male glared down at Baam, a degrading smirk on his lips.

Then he glanced once again at Cecelia, who tugged at Baam's sleeve childishly.

"Do you want me to do it?" She asked, yawning.

Baam shook his head. Cecelia shrugged in return, taking a seat by the wall once again. She could feel the stares of a young girl (whose name was Miseng) and a young woman (whose name was Goseng) linger on her.

"Oi, answer me, shortie."

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To those of you who doesn't know already, here's an official announcement.

MarianaNiane has offered to translate my story (to be specific, this one-) into French and Spanish!! I'm very thankful, and appreciate it a lot. So far, she's published the first few chapters of "Desire" translated into French on Wattpad. You can find the translated story on my Reading list!!

Remember to vote, comment, and follow!!

2.8 pages, 930 words

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