Chained (1)

659 28 1

Third Pov

"If you ever leave me again, I'll chain you up and carry you around myself," Baam warned, glaring daggers into Cecelia's panic-stricken eyes.

"Okay?" Baam asked for confirmation, a scary smile on his face.


Baam glared at her again, making Cecelia flinch. Oh jeez... if someone else saw me like this, they'd laugh their asses off. But what can I say? Upset Baam is a scary Baam!! She yelled internally.

"But I have work... and plans too..." She sputtered weakly.

"Then bring me with you. Or you can tell someone else to do the work. You're a Princess, right?"

"My plans are very secretive, Baam. Princess or not, I don't know if FUG is going to let you go..."

"Hwa Ryun told me that you're one of the most famous and skillful Slayers they have. You could tell them that you're bringing me around to teach me."

Despite Cecelia's attempts, Baam was firm. He wasn't going to let Cecelia out of his sight. At times like this, I regret telling him about my weakness for brute strength... Cecelia grumbled internally. She had plenty of experience pinning someone down (using magic) and scaring them into joining her, but she'd never experienced being the victim.

"I'll see what I can do," Cecelia replied, unable to say no.


"Oh. You're busy. Sorry for interrupting. Continue."

Hwa Ryun, who had come by since Baam was late for his lessons, opened to door to see Cecelia pinned to the floor, with Baam caging her on top. A devious smirk crawled onto her lips as she left a box filled with brightly packaged condoms just inside the door before leaving.

"Have fun, my Gods. And don't be too loud. The walls aren't very soundproof."

A brief silence ensued.

Disregarding Hwa Ryun's comments, Baam let Cecelia go only after she had promised to try and do what she could in bringing him along for her "plans". He sat down on the couch, crisscrossing his legs. Cecelia couldn't help but notice that the chains attached to the handcuffs were only about three to four meters long.

She wouldn't be able to leave the room without Baam- literally.

"Come sit!!" Baam passive-aggressively asked/ordered, holding his arms out.

It felt as though Baam had grown a pair of devil horns. What have I gotten myself into?! She thought, panicking internally. What happened to my sweet, innocent Baam while I was gone?! ...So casually asking me to sit on his lap and cuddle... although this isn't a bad change. I think.

"Ah." Cecelia stopped, remembering what Hansung Yu had told her on their way to the FUG hideout.


".....Baam- no, Jyu Viole Grace has developed a bad habit of refusing to show us his wounds, which is increasingly becoming a problem."


"Baam, I was told that you refused to let others treat your wounds. Show them to me."

It was Baam's turn to whine as Cecelia ordered him around. Since using a lot of magic on a human's body at once could bring repercussions in the long run, Cecelia had packed and brought lots of medicines with her. Even though it had only been twelve days, Baam had grown a few inches and had more defined muscle. His hair had grown longer, and he was beginning to shed his cute childlike outer appearance.

"Don't be so reckless. I'm here now, and I can't go anywhere. Literally." Cecelia stated, making a pointed comment about the handcuffs.

She could just get rid of them with magic, but she didn't want to upset Baam. When he was ready, he would take them off himself. .....Hopefully.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

Koon and the others were climbing the Tower. After Cecelia had left them, Shibisu and a few of the others moved to tell Lahel and Androssi of the news.

"Wait." Koon stopped them.

"I can't prove it, but I think that Lahel's the one behind all of this." He stated.

"All this? You mean Baam's disappearance?" Hatsu asked.

Koon nodded confidently, making everyone fall into a cloud of silence. Koon's statement made sense. It was a possibility, but why would Lahel do that to Baam?

"It doesn't hurt to be careful. I'll talk to her from now on, so no one tells her anything. It may just be a hunch, but if I'm right... we'd be helping the enemy."

The others nodded. Everyone dispersed to their rooms, leaving Koon to take care of Lahel. She'll be kept perfectly in the dark when it comes to Baam and Celia. The disappearance of the large man with the cleaver, along with Celia's suspicion and confusion regarding Lahel's stab wound... there's more than enough evidence that suggests foul play. But no definite proof.

I'll make sure to watch her like a hawk.

So that when we meet up with Celia and Baam again, Lahel won't be a problem. He promised himself.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

2.5 pages, 825 words

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