Pretty Witch (4)

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Third Pov

Horyang (also known as Teddybear) and Arkraptor (Mr.Silver Fish Head) had been walking towards their room, which was a little bit past Miseng and Goseng's room. But just as they arrived at Miseng's room, they felt thick bloodlust roll past them in invisible waves.

"This is...!"


The two males hurried, quickening their pace.

And at the source of the bloodlust, was a displeased-looking female wearing a white nightgown. With black hair that reached her mid-back, blood-red eyes, and pale skin, she was a beauty to be recognized. However, there was annoyance and anger dancing through her twin orbs of molten rubies, obvious displeasure showing on her pretty face.

"Do you not understand me? Or are you just playing dumb?" She spoke out loud, her degrading gaze set on the plump, older woman in front of her.

"Hey, kid. Where's glasses? Why are you with this woman?" Cecelia questioned, ignoring the presence of Arkraptor, Horyang, and the woman.

"G-Goseng said that she was going to the washroom... so the lady got me a drink..." Miseng explained, hiding behind the older woman.

Arkraptor and Horyang watched the situation from the sidelines, keeping an eye on every single movement that Cecelia made. Having seen the female at the bath minutes ago, they easily recognized her as the Red Tanager. Why she was getting in Miseng's business, they had no clue of.

"Y-you see, I left a daughter just about her age outside the Tower-" The woman started to make excuses for the reason why she had been with Miseng.

"I didn't ask about your daughter. I asked the reason why you were here, being all chummy with Miseng. Judging by the countless number of Shinsu-controlling rings on your fingers, you're some low-rating Regular that can't even attack without the help of outside equipment. Are you using the kid as an excuse to weasel your way into a stronger group?" Cecelia questioned, face filled with mock disgust as she made a shocked expression.

"Both of you, get your hands off of her." Arkraptor intervened, towering over the three females.

However, unlike Miseng and the woman, Cecelia didn't even flinch. Instead, she displayed a positive reaction to his interruption.

"You. She isn't your kid. Get the Hell out of here." Arkraptor said coldly, glaring down at the much shorter, older woman.

"M-Miseng, I need to go. I'll see you later, okay?" The woman said, running away from the scene.

Arkraptor turned to Cecelia next, mixed emotions swirling in his golden-brown eyes. She only gave him a friendly wave and pulled a deck of cards out of the air.

"You guys wanna play?"

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

For some unknown reason, they'd agreed to Cecelia's suggestion. A few minutes after, Wangnan and Nia also joined. It was strange to have a pretty woman wearing a white dress playing card games with a bunch of random Regulars, and even though the others displayed slight fear towards the female, the game was relatively friendly.

"So, Red, what's with the sudden interest in our group?" Wangnan asked as Cecelia was laying out the cards for a new round.

"Well, turns out, I don't have any friends that I can play cards with when I'm bored, so I came for a visit."

"What about Viole?"

"Two aren't enough to play cards. Plus, I've known him for more than five years. I can guess his every move by now. It's not fun to play games that you know the outcomes of, is it?" Cecelia replied, shrugging.

"Can you tell me more about you and Viole? Like how you two got together? And what you like about him?" Miseng asked, obviously interested in the subject of love.

"Well, I can't tell you the details, but I can tell you that he's a very kind, trustworthy and loving person. We got together not too long after he joined FUG, and I care for him very much."

Miseng's eyes sparkled at Cecelia's words, Arkraptor raising an eyebrow. The others didn't quite believe the fact that Viole was a "kind, trustworthy, and loving" person. Just as Cecelia patted Miseng on the head gently with a small smile, Wangnan asked another question.

"Why are you here? You told me that you would be waiting for Viole in your room."

"Well, you see-"


The group looked at each other in confusion, wondering who could be at their door. No one had invited anyone so who-


Red was supposed to be waiting for Viole in her room, but she came here to play cards instead. Whether she told Viole or not, he'd come here to pick her up!! That means...

The person at the door is Viole!!!!

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~


I apologize for the boring turn of events for the last few chapters. Next up, we have some filler chapters that include the group (with Viole) playing Cards Against Humanity.

For those of you who don't know what Cards Against Humanity is, it's pretty much Apples and Apples but worse. But I find it to be one of the most hilarious games ever. It's a "Party game for horrible people" as it says on the cover of the game pack (LOL) and is meant for 17+ people.

So crude language, mature themes, gross things, and generally horrible things ahead... I'm not kidding.

2.7 pages, 903 words

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