Tag (4)

525 36 18

가호(Gaho) - 시작 (이태원 클라스 OST) ITEWON CLASS OST

Song of the chap!! Pic is Cecelia's Demon symbol!!

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Third Pov

"Damn it...!! I told her not to take any souls!!" Lero Ro exclaimed, realizing the reason why Cecelia had suddenly gone for a killing spree.

"She pulled one over us." Yu HanSung agreed.

They glared at the screen as Cecelia waved at them, a smug smirk on her bloodstained face as she did so.

Meanwhile, Quant was counting to one hundred and eleven, as he had so proudly said that he would be giving Team A a head start. He was acting tough, but it was obvious that he was low-key terrified of the possibilities of what could happen. Koon had nearly managed to take a bite out of him using his plan, and if he wasn't a Ranker, he most definitely would've been caught.

Lero Ro continued to watch the tablet intensely, the game of Tag now nothing but an afterthought in his mind.

"W-wait!! Baam!!" Cecelia cried out, evading Baam's advances.

"I get that you're relieved and want to hug me, but I'm soaked in blood!! I won't let my precious cinnamon roll touch something so filthy!!" She continued, refusing to let Baam touch her.

"........" Androssi glared at the duo, disapproval clear in her eyes.

"Give me ten minutes, okay? I'll be right b-"


Cecelia froze from shock, Baam taking the chance to hug her tight.

"I don't care if you're covered in blood. Just... don't leave me," He muttered, rubbing his cheek against her head.

By now, the rest of Team B was flabbergasted to the point where their mind had blanked. What the Hell's happening?! They thought, watching the events unroll.

"I'm not going to go anywhere, Baam. If you want an explanation, I'll give it to you. I know you and Koon were there that day I made a contract with Hoh."

Hoh flinched from surprise, remembering the kiss he had shared with the Demon girl. But before long, he silently continued to gather the severed heads, stacking them up into a pyramid in the corner of the room. He planned on asking Cecelia to dispose of them once she was done dealing with Baam.

"Do you like Hoh?" Baam asked, his hands clenching into fists at the mere thought.

Lero Ro snickered from behind the screen, knowing full well that it was practically impossible for Demons to feel things such as love. Hoh choked on his spit, along with Androssi. The Regulars in the room desperately wished to have some popcorn with them so that they could properly enjoy the melodramatic scene in front of them.

"No, I don't, Baam," Cecelia answered truthfully, sitting down on the bench.

Baam laid down on her lap, looking up at Cecelia's face. He held her right hand with his own as if to confirm that she was there with him. Due to her gloves being drenched in blood, Cecelia had removed them the moment Baam hugged her. She didn't want to dirty him with the blood of others. I know that Baam will have to kill to protect himself one day, but I want to protect that innocence of his. Plus, I've killed millions already- so what's a couple hundred more while I'm at it?

"But..." Baam protested.

"Here. Do you see this mark?" Cecelia said, showing Baam her left hand.

"There's nothing there- huh?"

An elegant tattoo-like mark appeared on her hand, much to Baam's surprise. He gently traced it with his fingers, amazed by the intricacy of the symbol. Androssi ruefully glared at Cecelia, jealousy bubbling up in the pit of her stomach.

"Every time I make a contract, I place that symbol onto my contractor. Once I uphold my end of the bargain, I get to take their soul. But this time, it was a bit of an exception since I only took half of his soul. The other half, well... I'll take it when he's ready."

"Are you two lovebirds done yet?!" Androssi shouted angrily, her hands on her hips.

"I don't know, are we, Baam?"

Baam shook his head, clutching Cecelia's hand tighter. He's being a lot clingier than usual... although it's probably because he feels worried that I'd leave him. Cecelia thought to herself, gently brushing her fingers through Baam's hair. If it was anyone else, I'd think that they were jealous. But this is Baam. He doesn't know what love is. ...Does he?

By now, the Regulars were back to watching Team A, trying to figure out their means to win the game.

"Oh, look. Anaak's entering the elevator," Serena commented, pointing to the TV screen in the waiting room.

"It seems that way."

Quant was fighting a group of Regulars on the central staircase. The Regulars tried to stop the red-haired man, but it was futile. He was a lot faster than they were, and he had more experience. Cecelia was silently enjoying the show until Baam said something unexpected.

"Cecelia, can you place your mark on me too?"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

WaiT- hOLd uP-- Baam, do everyone a favour and repeat that, please.

2.5 pages, 835 words

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