And Here We Go Again (2)

683 40 2

Derik Fein - Don't Matter (Audio)

Song of the chap!!

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Baam Pov

After having explained what "Princesses of Jahad" was to me, Cecelia hurriedly left for her Fishermen exam. As a result, Koon and I were left alone in my room.

"How's your Wave Controller class going, Baam?" He asked, a small smile on his face.

"It's going well!! Laure gave me a few tips, and it helped me grow a lot!!" I replied, excited to tell Koon about my progress.

"Eh~? Really? That's great. What about Cecelia? She's taking all five classes, right? And as far as I know, she couldn't control Shinsu."

"Ah, Cecelia still has trouble trying to control Shinsu. I've been trying to help her, but she gets angry and always resorts to magic in the end....."

"What's the problem?"

"It's too strong. She would make a tiny orb the size of a fingernail, then lose control. Then the orb goes BANG!! And ends up destroying everything around it... Sometimes, she can't form a Shinsu orb at all."

"I guess that there are some things that even Demons can't do, huh?" Koon commented.

"I guess so."

"Wait, if she can't control Shinsu, then how come she's still in the Wave Controller Class?"

"Well, she said that she wanted to prove that she could control Shinsu so that Laure would stop teasing her about it... She said that she was going to control Shinsu better than anyone she ever knew." I said awkwardly, remembering Cecelia's enraged words.


"I've never seen her so determined before," I commented, before realizing that it was time for me to get to my class.

"Ah, I have to get to class!! I'll be late at this rate!!"

"See ya, Baam."

"Bye Koon!!"

I ran through the halls, hurrying to get to class on time. When I arrived, Cecelia was already there, screaming her head off in anguish.

"Come on, birdie. You can do this," Laure cheered lazily.


Ho blankly stared at the two, before letting out a sigh. He was sweating profusely, already being able to feel the strain of controlling Shinsu. Meanwhile, I couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Cecelia and Laure bickering. She was usually so composed, making others feel uncomfortable or joking about random things for fun. But while she was in the Wave Controller class, she was... different.

"You've made considerable progress." Our Instructor, Yuga, commented.

"Thank you," Ho replied.

"You too, Lozeal."

"Thank you."

"Next, Baam and Grey," Yuga called, telling us that it was our turn.

"Ah, okay," I answered, running to the middle of the courtyard.

As the others had done before me, I created a fist-sized Shinsu orb in my hands, before jet streaming it towards the balloons in the air. The attack missed, but the balloons still popped.

"Your control is lacking, but you're not bad, Baam." Yuga complimented.

"Thank you!!"

Hurrying over to Laure, who was asleep as usual, I thanked him for the tip that he had given me. And for helping Cecelia, as well. Just as I finished explaining to Ho the reason why Laure had decided to help us, Koon called out to me from the doorway.

"Baam!" He shouted, gaining my attention.

"Koon!!" I shouted back, feeling a smile grow on my face.

"Have you heard?" He started, walking over to me and gesturing Cecelia to come closer, as well.

"Eh? Heard what?" I asked, confused.

"Androssi and Anaak fought during class and ended up getting seriously injured," Koon explained.

"Oh yeah. I guess word does travel fast." Cecelia confirmed, laughing lightly at the memory.

"They fought like cats and dogs. You guys should've been there. It was hilarious!! Thanks to those two, I got a good laugh." She continued.

"Congrats on passing the Fishermen test," Koon said, giving her his usual smirk.

"Why thank you."

"We can go on to the next floor if we ass the class test and the overall test, right? Does that mean that you have to pass all five tests, Cecelia?" I asked, hoping that she wouldn't be left behind.

"If I pass all five class tests, then I get to go on to the next floor. But since I only passed four out of the five tests, I have to take the overall test with everyone else." She replied, letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Four? What was the fifth?" Koon questioned.

"The Wave Controller Class, of course. It's as though Shinsu hates me. They come out either too strong or too weak. Or it doesn't happen at all."

"Maybe it's because you can control magic," I commented.

"That may be a possibility. But I doubt it. My dad can control both just fine, and my mom was a Ranker so there's no reason for me to be inept at controlling Shinsu."

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Sorry for the delay!! Nothing much really happened in this episode, so I had to come up with ways to keep things entertaining... not that it worked out. *sweatdrops*

2.5 pages, 849 words

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