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Third Pov

Not being able to breathe and not breathing are two very different things.

Cecelia found herself taking a deep breath subconsciously, just before jumping into the cold waters of the underwater lake. Lumen, she thought to herself, creating a ball of blue light that led the way to the Shinsu bubble somewhere in the depths of the lake.

A beautiful scenery filled with thousands of glowing fish filled her eyes, many of them swimming past her in a frenzy.

Relaxing, absolute, blissful silence filled her ears.

Cecelia merely enjoyed the amazing view in front of her and flopped around the best she could, while following the ball of light. Not before long, she could see the Shinsu bubble- where Baam and Lahel were being attacked by the Bull.

Just in time, huh? She thought to herself. Wait. I don't know how to swim!!! How do I get over there?! How did I get out here in the first place?! Cecelia panicked internally, trying to swim. While Cecelia struggled like a fish out of water, Baam was somehow able to keep the Bull at bay. Blood dripped from the gash in his arm and the cut on his forehead, but he stood tall, determined to keep Lahel safe.

Think, Cecelia!! You're the Heir to Hell, for Satan's sake! If you can't even swim, how the hell are you going to rule an entire kingdom?! Now, what swims? Fish, dolphins, dogs, frogs- Having chosen a random animal to copy, Cecelia thought through each step of a frog swimming and started to mimic it. Fortunately enough, she started to move forward, little by little.

Her long, snow-white hair flowed behind her in beautiful waves, the Bull finally taking notice of her.

"Cece!!!" Baam called out, seeing the albino female not too far away from them.

"Cecelia? But the Bull-" Lahel started, turning around to find out what was happening.

She could see the demon female, shrouded in her hair. The Bull charged at her with incredible speed, mouth open wide. But both of their worries had been needless. A pair of bright red magic circles appeared in front and behind Cecelia. The circle in front of her swallowed the Bull's body whole, and the circle behind let out a dark red mist that seemed to be eerily similar to ground meat.

"Lahel!! Cece's here!! now we won't have to worry about-"

Baam's eyes widened in surprise and shock as Lahel stood up on her two legs, and shoved Baam out of the Shinsu bubble.

Lahel's cold, empty eyes blurred as Baam was pushed out of the safety of the Shinsoo bubble, and into the dark water. He felt Cecelia's arms wrap around him, trying to give him the best protection. He knew that Cecelia didn't know how to swim. Why she was in the lake in the first place was surprising to him. He also knew that she would've managed to get back safely if it wasn't for him. Cecelia wasn't willing to give up his safety, ad since he needed air, they didn't have much time.


You were able to walk all this time?


I don't understand.

You were my everything. You were my first and foremost. I even wanted to take you to the top of the Tower, since you couldn't use your legs anymore... but it was all—


Many thoughts went through Baam's mind as Lahel started to become smaller. He knew that he was sinking, floating further and further away from the Shinsu bubble. His mind felt hazy, lungs starved for air. But he still couldn't think of anything except for Lahel, who had pushed him out of the bubble with her own two legs- the legs that she told everyone she couldn't use.

A cloud of long white hair filled his vision.


Then everything went black.

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

Hansung Yu stood in a hidden spot by the shore of the underwater lake, knowing that Cecelia would pop out of the water and climb onto the shore with Baam. Beside the blonde Ranker, was a Demon wearing a sleek suit. On the Demon's lapel, was a small brooch depicting an inverted pentagram.

"You're here to collect Miss Cecelia Lucifer, correct?" Hansung Yu clarified as the said Demon female rose out of the water, dragging a brown-haired teen with her.

"Yes. Her father wishes to see her." The Demon male replied curtly, watching with mild interest as Cecelia began to perform CPR.


Within minutes, Baam was awake, sputtering and huffing for air. He took notice of Cecelia, who was kneeling beside him. Her clothes and hair were drenched, but she had a relieved smile on her face. The next thing that Baam noticed was Hansung Yu, along with a tall male dressed in red.

Without a word or a single notice, the male in red grabbed Cecelia, slung her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and disappeared into a white magic circle.

"What in the name of Satan-?!" Cecelia exclaimed, just as surprised as Baam about the sudden kidnapping.

"Cece-!" Baam started but was cut off by Hansung Yu.

"Miss Lucifer has other matters to attend to, I'm afraid. As for you, Mr.Baam, you should be worried about yourself rather than others."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Oh, gods that was bad.

2.7 pages, 894 words

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