The Start of the Tower

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Koon Pov


"Damn it. We don't have the time." I grumbled, jumping up and grabbing the crocodile.


"Baam!! Take his other leg!!" I heard Cecelia yell, as she clung to the crocodile's left leg herself.


"STOP IT!! I'M NOT A JUNGLEGYM" The crocodile yelled, twisting his body and moving around in an attempt to throw off all three of us.


"Shut up and stay still if you want to get stronger, you damn talking dinosaur!!" Cecelia yelled, making me laugh heartily at her comment.


Baam had just barely managed to cling onto Rak at the last minute, clutching the Black March in his hand. I could see Cecelia breathe a sigh of relief. We had all passed the second exam.

"Time's up~!!!" The childish voice cried, just as the crocodile roared in utter frustration.


--- Evankhell's Mothership ---

Looks like about... 120 regulars passed, I thought, looking around the room. Cecelia calmly sat on the empty benches bolted to the thick pillars, while Baam and Rak argued.

"Fight me, black turtle!"



"Hey, gator," I called out, gaining his attention immediately.

"IT'S RAK!!" He roared.

Cecelia snickered quietly as shew watched the three of us argue with each other. I didn't know what it was that she found so funny, but she seemed more than happy to sit silently as she observed us bicker back and forth.


The huge gator's stomach rumbled. I wasn't really surprised. He had been running around, screaming and yelling for the past two hours, after all. I pulled out a chocolate-covered wafer treat, handing it to him in exchange for a truce. There had to be some way to stop this overgrown reptile stop targeting Baam, right?

"What is this?" He muttered, throwing the entire bar into his mouth.

Obvious shock crossed his face.

"Give me more." He stated.

--- Cecelia Pov ---

I sat leaning against the pillar, relaxing and regaining my strength. I wasn't exactly the type to have a ridiculous amount of stamina or brute strength, so I liked to rest when I could. As I sat with a small smile on my face, I noticed someone's gaze fixing onto me. It was a young teenage male, with black hair, black eyes, and a beauty mark just under his left eye. Overall, he was quite cute. But why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face? Is my hair messed up? I wondered, before walking towards his group.

"Everyone who passed the test is sure amazing, huh? But you should be grateful that I'm on your team." Another young male wearing a purple and orange-accented tracksuit started, only to notice that his two teammates weren't even focused on him.

"U-um... Hi." I said awkwardly, the boy's stare not leaving me.

"C-could you not stare at me like that?" I asked, feeling my cheeks slowly heat up from embarrassment.

".....You're stronger than a lot of the people here." He stated, taking a step closer to me.

Did he realize that I'm not human? How? I thought I managed to hide it successfully!! I thought, only to realize that Koon and Baam, along with the young lizard girl were staring at me now too. Oh, man!! Why is everyone staring at me today?!

"I'm completely normal!! I was just lucky to meet strong teammates!!" I bluffed, which was half-true and half-false.

"Hm. I don't think that's the case. What's your name? I'm Hatsu." He introduced himself, holding his hand out.

"My name's Cecelia," I answered, strangely feeling at ease.

While the young male and I conversed, the guy wearing the purple tracksuit continued to talk to himself. Or was it others?

"After all, I'm a master of the killing arts." He said, attracting my attention.

"You're an assassin? You sure don't look that way... and your muscles aren't exactly strong, either... you don't have a single weapon on you, so unless you're one of those types of killers that like murdering others with their bare hands, you're either bluffing or was just born with a harmless-looking face." I stated, circling the tracksuit male a couple of times.

In one swift movement, I held Hatsu's sword by the tracksuit's neck.

"So it was a bluff. That's fine with me. You have wonderful teammates, so I'm sure that you'll pass." I commented, handing Hatsu his sword back.

"Sorry about that. I borrowed it for a moment there." I said, apologizing.

Hatsu looked dumbfounded. Holding his shoulders still, I took a sniff of his neck, remembering his scent. Now he looked weirded out. I replied with a bright smile.

"What the hell was that ab-?" He asked, only to get cut off by Koon.


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2.4 pages, 805 words 

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