Tag (6)

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Jessi (제시) - My Romeo (신데렐라와 네명의 기사 OST) Cinderella & Four Knights OST

Song of the Chap!! 

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Brief Baam Pov

Without warning, Cecelia pulled my turtleneck down and bit into my neck. It hurts- it feels as though it's burning...! I thought, pushing the urges to touch my neck away. But it was over as fast as it came, leaving the slight burning pain behind.

"There. Now, any time you're in trouble, call out for me. It doesn't have to be loud. Just say my name, and I'll get there as fast as I can." She said, using a clean handkerchief to wipe some blood off of my neck.

"O-okay," I replied, just happy about the fact that the mark would allow us to stay connected- one way or another.

But before I could ask her any more questions about the mark itself, a wall of Shinsu appeared around Cecelia. And before I could even call out her name, she disappeared in a cloud of bright light, swearing like a drunken sailor.


--- Cecelia Pov ---

I didn't know that he would call for me this abruptly!! During his test, too!! And even though I'd told him about the abilities of a Demon Mark- damn it, Koon!! I grumbled, having been teleported into the air, beside Koon and Quant.

"What the Hell, man!!" I yelled, grabbing the two in a tight hug.

"That's my line!! What are you doing here, Demon?!" Quant shouted back, trying to peel me off of him.


Unfurling my wings, I managed to stop the three of us from being turned into human+demon pancakes just in time. Placing the two males safely on firm ground, I sat down haphazardly, heaving out a great sigh. Koon chuckled nervously.

"Drunk or not, I gave you my mark! And that means to use it well!! I'll let it go this time since you two were in danger of some serious injuries, but I'd rather not make circumstances where it puts both me and you in danger of failing a Test!!!" I yelled, shooting up back onto my feet and shaking Koon by the lapels.

"I can get to the next floor whether I pass the test or not. But that's not the same for you and Baam. Not to mention the others. I get that you may or may not have a crush on me, but use that wonderful brain of yours to think things through sometimes!!"

Koon laughed nervously once again, before pulling me into a tight hug. At first, it was Baam, and now Koon... is there some kind of weird human disease running around that I don't know about?

"Koon I can't breathe."

"You don't need to breathe anyway. Let me hold you for a minute."

With a small sigh, I wrapped my arms around him, letting him hug me for a minute or two. He smells nice... like vanilla and mint. I'd say that it's as nice as my Lily-of-the-Valley body wash. Not that I'd ever admit that to him, of course. Or would I?

"Why are you covered in blood? It's not yours, right?" Koon asked, taking note of my bloodied state.

"I was fulfilling my end of the contract. I'd love to take a shower and get into clean clothes, but someone stopped me from doing so." I grumbled, making him snicker in response.

While we hugged, Quant was busy yelling and shouting angrily.


Excuse me... he's right here.

"Damn it. But I can't lose." Quant muttered to himself.

"Sounds like you need help," Someone commented, just as I pulled my face out of Koon's chest.

To my surprise, Laure walked out of the shadows, Koon's Lighthouse lowering itself to the ground beside him. Confused, I looked up at Koon, who smirked in return. He let me go and walked towards the also confused Ranker with a smug smirk on his handsome face.

"Hey, don't you want to go up?"

--- Meanwhile ---

Baam Pov

I didn't know where Cecelia had disappeared to, but it made me nervous. It was obvious that she had been surprised by what had happened. I absent-mindedly rubbed the side of my neck, feeling it burn. It hurt, but it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Androssi took her seat next to me, glancing at the mark that was probably appearing on my skin.


She handed me a pocket mirror, allowing me to check the spot that felt as though it was burning. And as expected, Cecelia's Demon mark was there, as clear as ever. I pulled my turtleneck up, making sure to cover the mark from plain sight.

"Thank you," I said, handing the mirror back to Androssi.

"Hey Baam."


"What's your relationship with Cecelia?"


I faltered. We're friends, right? But... why does that feel... wrong? I wondered, unable to answer her question.

"Do you know her true relationship with Koon?"


I think they're friends, but they're too close to be called friends... but I don't think they're dating or in love, either. I thought, continuing to search my brain for an answer that would make sense.

"So you truly don't know anything. You don't know how you feel about her, and you can't see how Koon and Cecelia act when they're in each other's presence, either. But... I don't mind an innocent guy like you." Androssi commented, a smile on her face.

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Confusion galore!! I'll clear up what happened between Hoh and Cecelia soon (kind of)! Although most of you could probably already guess (LOL).

2.7 pages, 938 words

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