Plans that went Awry (5)

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Baam Pov

"Baam. Honestly, I don't get what's so great about her and Cecelia. But I've found someone that I want to climb the Tower with, too. Not that we're close... if anything, we don't get along. So I removed some obstacles so that they wouldn't drop out. ...It's the only way I know. You should do things your won way, too. Whether you want to leave Cecelia and stay with La- Michelle, or the other way around, is your choice." Androssi stated, walking away.

"Androssi?" I called out, confused.

"If you keep passing the tests, you'll keep tasting more pain, like you did today. People can't have everything. The day always comes when they lose something. That's why you keep moving forward. So you don't regret it. Got that?" She finished.

With that, I made a decision.

I joined in on the fight, helping Androssi get the Ranker's badge. Worry and anticipation welled up within my chest as I tried my best to end the game as fast as possible. Cece wasn't dead. Probably. And Lahel didn't have a lot of time. I have to... I have to end this game fast... or else she might not make it!! I thought, attacking the Ranker with a wave of Shinsu.

The end wasn't how I expected it to be.

Androssi had folded up and hidden a pair of red underwear in her vest, which the Ranker had been told was the badge. Thinking that it was the badge, the Ranker had taken it, only to find out that it wasn't. He stood at his spot, face flushed red from embarrassment and rage, holding the piece of red cloth in his hands.

Androssi held up both of her hands, where she was holding the two badges.

"THE TEST IS OVER. TEAM B WINS THE TEST. YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE TEST RESULTS TOMORROW MORNING." Yu HanSung's voice rang out, announcing the end of the exam.

After that, was a blur. A team of medics retrieved Cecelia and Lahel, carting them off to the medical dorm.

"Baam!! What's going on?! What do you mean, Celia's been hurt?!" Koon shouted, running up to me with panic all over his features.

--- Koon Pov ---

After the exam was over, I waited at Baam's room, expecting to see Cecelia and Baam walk through the door with a big smile on their faces. Instead, I was told of how Cecelia had somehow been gravely injured, Baam waiting just outside of the Surgery room.

When I arrived, Baam had small bruises and nicks all over him, a grim look on his usually cheery face.

"Baam!! What's going on?! What do you mean, Celia's been hurt?!" I asked, looking at him for answers.

"It was the Ranker..." Baam murmured.

"I should've stopped him.. I should've- but I was too worried about Lahel to- it's may fault...!!" He rambled, making no sense.

I sat beside Baam, slowly piecing together the puzzle. Cecelia hates Lahel. And it just so happens that both of them are hurt. Cecelia probably did something at an attempt to kill Lahel, then got stuck in a predicament. By "Ranker", Baam probably means that hot-headed Quant dude. I guess Cecelia was taken off guard or something... But she should be fine. She's a Demon, after all. I thought, consoling Baam.

"Doc, how is she? She's fine, right?" I asked as a Doctor covered in blood walked towards us.

"You're teammates of Ms.Cecelia Lucifer, yes?" He asked, checking the chart in one of his many arms.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"We spent most of the time trying to resuscitate her, but I'm afraid to say that her heart had stopped beating by the time we had received her-"

"Did she have any other wounds?" I asked, cutting the doctor off.

"She has a broken neck, but-"

"There's the problem. Are we allowed so see her, Doc?"

All of a sudden, Baam gasped loudly and ran towards someone. As expected, it was Cecelia. Her neck was angled strangely, and she was very naked, but it was Cecelia. Safe and sound. I draped my spare jacket over her shoulders, keeping my eyes at her eye level. The Doctor muttered something along the lines of "It's a walking corpse!!!" and fainted, but who cares?

Baam was crying his eyes out, holding Cecelia in his arms. He was apologizing profusely.

"For once, things are going as planned," Cecelia said out loud, letting out a content sigh before struggling in Baam's vice-like grip.

"Baam, you're twisting my broken neck- let me just fix it first- hmf?!"

My jaw dropped.


Did he just-

Did that just happen? Am I having a nightmare?!

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~ 

These last few chappies have been named "Plans that went Awry" because it's all about how shit went to hell so fast. It was an easy plan. But NO, fate (called Author) comes in and goes "HAH NOPE!!".

I apologize once again for the late updates. And for the confusing and crappy chapters.

Anyway, who can guess what just happened? Comment your answer!!

2.5 pages, 851 words

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