Getting to Know Each Other (1)

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A lot of people have been saying that they find that Cecelia and Baam have a sibling-like relationship. That is true, they have a relationship based on sibling love. But, truth is, one of the reasons why Cecelia wants to get Lahel completely out of Baam's life and mind is because she's jealous. Of course, Cecelia doesn't know that.

NOTE: This chapter's not in the plot of ToG, but I wanted to have a couple of chapters here and there where Koon, Baam, Rak and Cecelia get to know each other better.

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Koon Pov

After the class was over, I decided to find Cecelia and ask her a few questions about demons- and herself. So far, she was the only one that seemed to have the answers to anything. About Baam, about that Lahel girl, and about Anaak, too.

I first visited her room, but she wasn't there. Up next was Baam's room.

"Baam? Cecelia?" I called out, waiting for a response.

"Koon! Help me!!"

I hurriedly punched in the passcode for the lock, worried that something had happened. But inside the room, was a scene that I had been completely unprepared for.

Baam was peacefully sleeping in bed, holding Cecelia in his arms. Baam was 168cm (5'5) while Cecelia was 155cm (5'08). Cecelia's pale was flushed red, as she obviously wasn't used to... whatever this was. Baam muttered incoherent things to himself, before pulling her even closer and nuzzling into her neck. Cecelia hid her face from me with her hands, embarrassment obvious on her face.

"I didn't know that Baam liked to snuggle," I commented, smirking at Cecelia.

"I didn't know either!!" She argued back, whisper-yelling in protest.

"So what's the problem?" I asked, feigning innocence.

She squeaked in surprise as Baam's hold on her tightened. I narrowed my eyes slightly. Seeing Cecelia with Baam in such an intimate position made me feel... strange.

"Just get me out of here!!" She said, pleading quietly.

"You don't like cuddling with Baam?" I questioned, taking a seat on the stood beside the bed.

"I don't want or need someone to be practically nibbling on my neck as I sleep!! I'm only here because Baam said that he had questions about my demon powers!! So I let myself in, and he's sleeping in bed. I tried to wake him up so that he doesn't end up ruining his sleep schedule, and here we are."

"Eh~? So do all demons have sensitive necks?"

"Ha?! How should I know?!"

"I don't know, you're a demon."

"Mhm... don't... muh........ leave.... me... Cecelia.........." Baam muttered, catching our attention.

Cecelia let out a sigh at Baam's words. She held his hand, trying to reassure him. Then she met my gaze, asking me about the reason why I had come to Baam's room.

"I was looking for you, actually," I confessed.

"Me? Why?"

"Well, earlier today, you said that I could ask you about demons and yourself whenever I wanted without having to make a deal, so I decided that it was time for me to ask you some questions." I shrugged, before asking her my first question.

"Aren't demons supposed to be super strong? You should be able to get out of Baam's grip. So why do you need my help?"

"Well, first of all, Demons as a whole are a lot stronger than humans. In demon society, male demons are a lot stronger than female demons when it comes to brute strength. However, I was born with extra talents and amazing magical talent-"

"But you have near-zero brute strength," I concluded, understanding what she was trying to say.

"Correct. Baam can easily overpower me if I don't have any of my demon powers. Pretty much anyone can, actually."

"Is it okay for you to be telling me about such a big weakness?"

"Unlike humans, I'm not afraid of getting hurt. Plus, Magic is a lot more diverse and stronger than Shinsu in nature. One spell and I can put any of my attackers to sleep. Whether that be permanent or temporary entirely depends on my mood."

I huffed silently to myself. To be practically untouchable when it comes to magic, but is as weak as a kitten when it comes to brute strength... I can't really relate to that. I thought.

"What kind of powers do Demons have?"

"We can levitate and control fire. We also have enhanced speed and senses, along with body manipulation. A really handy skill that we have is that we're immortal. Demons have our own animal form that we can turn into. It's what represents us as an animal, I guess. A lot of our powers also depend on the animal that we have."

"Do you get to choose the animal?"

"No. You're born with it."

Interesting. What animal is she? What animal would I end up being if I was a demon? I wondered. How are demons made in the first place, anyway?

"What animal are you? Knowing that you have wings, you're probably a bird." I said, wondering when Baam would wake up.

I hope that he wakes up soon so that I can converse properly with Cecelia... and I bet that he has questions for her, too. It's definitely not because I don't like seeing them together this way.

"Me? I'm a Scarlet Tanager."

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2.6 pages, 895 words

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