Meeting Lahel (3)

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Brief Third Pov

"Baam, try imagining it. All those heavy boulders are removed, and the sky opens up."


"There's nothing blocking our way there. Up there are twinkling, beautiful-"

"The stars you want to see."

".....Yes. A truly beautiful, real night..."




--- Koon Pov ---

I let Lahel inside, much to Cecelia's distaste. Lahel took one glance at the angry albino female, before hurriedly looking away. Confused, I looked at Cecelia only to look away as well. Both Cecelia and I had forgotten about how she wasn't wearing a top. We'd been focused on her wounds, not how she was half-naked.

Her long, thick hair managed to cover any... important parts, but it was still embarrassing.

"What?" Cecelia grumbled.

"You're shirtless." I retorted, feeling my cheeks heating up.

"So?" She questioned nonchalantly. 

".....Just get dressed."


With a sigh, she snapped her fingers, just as the sound of cloth moving filled the air.

"There. All dressed."

I turned back around with a sigh, trying to get rid of the flush on my cheeks. Lahel gave me a questioning gaze. But the awkward moment was short-lived as she stood by Baam's bedside, talking about a completely different subject.

"...Baam was a very lonely boy. When I told him that I was going to climb the Tower, he asked me not to go with tears running down his face. But I abandoned him. ...I thought we'd never meet again." Lahel said, before turning to Cecelia.

"Baam probably didn't notice, but I knew that you were visiting him. He'd changed, ever since you started to come by." She commented.

I looked at Cecelia, who was wearing black clothes that were accented with gold embroidery. The high-rise shorts and crop-top accentuated her small and slim figure nicely, Lahel sending her jealous glances throughout the conversation. Jealous looks or not, Cecelia didn't care about whatever Lahel was saying.

"The only reason why Baam decided to climb the Tower was so that the three of us could become friends and live as a "happy family". Not that I'd like to be a family with you." Cecelia stated, her blood-red orbs filled with disgust at the pure sight of Lahel.

"I know that being a non-human being may be hard, but-"

"Skip the introduction. Just tell me what you want from me. Or us." I cut in, stopping the two females' conversation.

"..Don't tell Baam about me."

Cecelia raised her left eyebrow, which meant that she was amused by Lahel's request. However, I felt a little different about the matter.

"You want me to lie to him?" I asked, incredulous.

"No, she wants us to tell Baam that he was mistaken and that she's not "Lahel"," Cecelia commented, a small, amused smirk crawling its way up her lips.

"Yes. That's right."

"Even though Baam wants to be with you?" I questioned.

"We can't be together," Lahel answered.

I stood up from my seat, approaching the blonde. I didn't know what was going through Cecelia's demon mind, but she was looking at Lahel as though she was looking at a delicious treat. I pushed the confusion regarding Cecelia's attitude away from my brain and focused on dealing with the blonde.

"I don't get it. Then why didn't you try to take the crown from Baam during the Crown Game?" I questioned.

"That's the problem," Lahel answered.


If we're together, we'll become each other's weaknesses. A burden. Try to understand. It's what's best for both of us."

And with that, she left the room. Cecelia made a cross with her fingers as she followed Lahel out, her hands smoking slightly as she did so.

"You mean you, not both of you," I muttered to myself, just as Cecelia came back with her still-smoking hands.

"What did you say?" She asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

"Nothing. Anyways, what's that look on your face?" I said, remembering the expression she had on her face as she listened to Lahel and my conversation.

"What look?"

"You know, the one where it practically says that you want to kill them and eat their soul. You had the same expression when you attacked that green lizard girl during the Crown Game, too."

"When you live for a long time as a demon, you can tell the quality and taste of the soul just by seeing the human."

"Eh~? Let me guess. She has a tasty soul."

"I've never had the soul of someone that messed up before. So much selfishness, so much greed... eventually, the feelings of helplessness and grief that she harbours will grow into marvellous hate, and the will to kill. Then it will be high time for me to reap her soul." Cecelia answered, a devilish smirk growing on her pink lips as her blood-red eyes with their slit pupils glowed a brilliant fuschia.

While the albino chuckled darkly to herself, looking forward to "reaping Lahel's soul", I opened the door and walked out into the hallway. The giant Gator was there, obviously worried about his "prey", Baam.


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2.6 PAGES, 861 WORDS

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