Jealous? - Licht x Reader | Servamp*

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You trudged through the front door of your apartment, tired from a long day at work. You placed your things down on a nearby table and entered the living room, taking note of your boyfriend's servamp, Lawless, on the couch.

"Where's Licht?" You asked.

Hyde shrugged, "He's probably taking a nap in your room. But, I was hoping I could tell you something first?" You sat down beside him and motioned for him to continue.

"I love you, even though you're Licht's." He whispered, leaning closer to you, seemingly going in to kiss you.

Before the servamp's lips touched yours, Lawless was kicked in the head, causiing him to fly off the couch.

"Die." A familiar voice said. "And I wasn't napping."

"Licht!" You exclaimed, jumping up to hold his arm. A light blush appeared on his cheeks as he brought you into a proper hug.

"That one hurt a lot, Angelcakes. It was supposed to be a harmless prank!" Lawless said, his head popping up from the other side of the couch.

Licht just sent a death glare to him in response then turned his attention back to you.

"You okay?" He asked.

You nodded against his chest and smiled.

"No need to be jealous, Licht." You teased, poking his cheek.

"Why would I be jealous of that?" Licht quipped.

"Well, I'll never stop loving you, Licht." This caused the angel to crack a smile and kiss your cheek.

"Awww! That's really sweet!" Your boyfriend's servamp butted in, causing Licht to glare at Lawless again.


Various x Reader *REWRITE IN PROGRESS*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin