Chapter 4

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Ember woke up the next day in Bellamy's arms. Her head still laid on his chest, curled in a ball at his side. His arm laid casually over her waist. Clarke stood above them, and Ember and her made eye contact, and Ember was quick to blush. "Bellamy, wake up."

Ember nudged him lightly in the side, making him shift and open his eyes slowly. "Clarke?" He asked, as he spotted the blonde in the corner.

"I need to talk to the two of you." The two glanced at each other, but quickly sat up. "Last night, one of our own was attacked."

"Who?" Ember asked, sitting up quickly.

"Wells. He died. Outside of our walls. A grounder." Clarke said stiffly. She paused for a moment, composing herself. "I need you two to tell the people, you're in charge around here."


"O, hey." Ember said walking up to her with a grin. Octavia glanced at her, scoffing with a glare. "What?"

"Did you forget your confession last night or something?"

Ember furrowed her eyebrows, her heart rate picking up. "I was in Bellamy's tent all night." She said.

Octavia glanced at her again, knowing that she wouldn't lie to her about this, especially after last night. "Fucking Emma." She muttered, turning to Ember. "I think your sister still has a vengeance against you." She said, moving closer to her best friend. "She came in my tent last night and told me that you killed Atom, not Bellamy."

Ember pursed her lips. "It was the both of us." She said truthfully. "But let me explain before you go back to hating me for real this time." She pleaded, earning a short nod from Octavia. "When the fog it, Atom got lost, I tried to go back for him, but the fog-" She looked down at her arm that she had forgotten to get cleaned and winced. "I really tried."

Octavia touched Ember's arm, which was covered in her almost black blood resulting in a harsh wince. "We need to get you to Clarke." Octavia said, grabbing her good arm.

"Clarke's in no shape to heal me." Ember said, but continued walking towards the dropship with Octavia. "Wells was murdered last night. Her best friend just died." She whispered. "I can fix it myself, let's go."

They got into the dropship, and Ember made sure nobody was around, before sitting down. "Be prepared for me to scream."

"You're tough." Octavia replied. "You got this." Ember grabbed one of the pieces of fabric, her hand shaking as she gently pulled, her eyes shutting tight in pain. "Rip it off like a bandage." Octavia suggested.

"No." Ember said. "That will be more damage than good. It's burned into my flesh. The only way to get it off with any kind of hope that I'll still be able to use my arm is to do it as slow as possible." She bit her lip as she continued to slowly pull it off.

"Ember!" Clarke said, walking into the dropship with wide eyes. "What are you doing? Stop, you're going to hurt yourself." She said, running up to the girl that sat down with tears running down her cheeks.

Bellamy came in behind her, as she got the first piece off, setting it down beside her. "One down, eight to go." She said to herself.

"Stop!" Bellamy commanded, walking over to her quickly. Ember watched as Octavia stood awkwardly in the corner, obviously not forgiving Bellamy like she does her. "You're shaking too much. You don't want to accidentally mess up and need to take off your arm."

"I already can't move my fingers." Ember whispered, staring at her right hand, attempting to get one of them to move. Only one of them twitched, but that seemed to be enough for Clarke.

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