Chapter 85

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"Mom, can you hear me?" Clarke asked, frowning when she got no response. Madi had helped lift Abby onto a table, Ember had offered to help but Clarke had told her no in fear that she'd open her wounds. "I need you to swallow this tube, okay?"

Abby started to choke on it as Clarke continued to push it down her throat, tears in her eyes. "Please let me do this." Abby seemed to relax, and Clarke let out a quick sigh when she got it down. "Okay, give me the saline," She told Madi. She glanced at Ember, who held onto the funnel. "I need you to hold the funnel up high, okay?"

"I know how it works," Ember snapped, holding it so the tube was straight and the funnel was steady. Clarke started to pour the saline down, stopping when Abby started to choke. "Stand back," She told Madi.

She pulled the tube out, turning Abby on her side as Abby puked into a bucket that Clarke quickly grabbed. Ember held her hair back as she puked.

The door to the station opened as soon as Abby stopped puking. "Doc, we ready to get back to work?" Mccreary asked. He opened another door, spotting the five of them with Abby quickly. "How the hell did you get in here?"


Clarke had stayed with everyone while Ember had gone off with Mccreary and his men to describe how they got there. She put a hand on her side as she said, "Stop just before midnight. Get as close as you can get." She said. They were looking at the footage from the eye, and Ember was glad she knew what Monty had done so she could explain it.

The man at the computer stopped it and Ember gave him a small nod. Currently, there were a few people walking around on the surface. "Okay. Play it forward."

She didn't want to show them this, but she knew if she didn't they'd hurt the kids. Plus, the more she thought about it, chances were Octavia had gotten Bellamy killed while fighting in the pits, so why should she not give them away to protect the family she had left?

The people of Wonkru knew how to fight, and they had a much better chance of winning than Mccreary's men did.

It started to play, and suddenly the people walking around disappeared. "A 24-hour loop," Mccreary commented. "Clever."

She rolled her eyes, muttering, "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to my-"

"How long do we have?"

Ember turned to him slowly. "Assuming they left this morning, six days. Maybe seven."

Mccreary glanced at the man at the computer. "Override the loop. I want to know where the hell they are."

Ember raised an eyebrow as the man said, "Brother, it took me ten minutes to find rewind."

"Would have taken you longer if I hadn't shown you," Ember muttered to herself.

Mccreary started to cough, and so did a man behind them. Ember looked over her shoulder then said, "You're all sick. That's why you took Abby with you from Polis. Why you helped us open the bunker."

"Yes, and now that you guys are all here, she might actually do her job."

He pulled a bottle of pills out of his pocket, tossing it at one of his men. "Take these to the doc. If she's still out, force a few of them down her throat. Let's get our functional junkie functioning again."

Ember turned to Mccreary as she looked over her shoulder at the man. "Wait. Junkie?"

She had assumed that was the case when she found the pills, but she had hoped she was wrong. "Oh, I'm sorry to break it to you"

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now