Chapter 86

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As Ember heard the gunshots through the radio, she could only hope that Bellamy was safe. She was sitting down beside the radio, listening carefully as if she could pick out Bellamy's scream from the others if he got injured.

Clarke came over, reaching out to turn off the radio. Ember snapped her head up with a glare. "Don't you dare, Doc."

Madi held into her hand, knowing that she needed comfort right now. Clarke looked between the two, saying, "Octavia would have killed us."

"Clarke," Madi said softly. "They're getting slaughtered."

"We made our choice."

Ember stood up quickly. "No, you made our choice."

Abby who had been standing with the twins realized that an argument would do them no good and got Clarke's attention. "Let's do this."

She sent one last look at Madi and Ember before walking over to her mom, the twins moving into a backroom to draw since Ember had told them they couldn't listen to the radio with them. "Last patient. You did good, mom. After this, I want you to rest. We'll clean up."

"After this, it'll get easier," Abby replied. "I need it to get easier."

Ember, realizing that Clarke was distracted, turned to Madi. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" She whispered as Ember moved over and took the keys from Clarke's jacket as silently as she could.

"To help our people. Are you in or not?"

As soon as they were outside they ran as fast as they could to the rover, hoping they could leave before Clarke noticed they were gone.

When they got to the cave, Ember jumped into the rover, placing the key in the ignition and turning it quickly. The engine sputtered and then didn't start. "Shit," She glanced back a Madi apologetically. "Sorry."

"Nothing I haven't heard from you before."

"Jeeze, don't tell Clarke. She'll be even more pissed at me," Ember joked, trying the key again.

She tried for about a minute before she heard, "It won't start." Ember and Madi jumped, looking at Clarke who stood outside of the passenger's side door. She held up a part. "I took out the conductor. Now let's go."

"Of course you did," Ember muttered bitterly. She got out of the car. "We can walk," She spat at Clarke. Clarke blocked Ember, knowing that without her Madi wouldn't go. Ember glared at her. "Get out of my way, Clarke."

"Ascende superius," Clarke said, turning her head at Madi.

Ember froze, feeling a tingle at the back of her neck even though she didn't have the flame anymore. Madi turned to Clarke quickly, moving to Ember's side. "You took out the conductor. I changed the pass phrase. I'm not a child anymore, Clarke. I'm the commander, and my people are dying."

Clarke slowly nodded, and Madi gave her a hug. Ember crossed her arms, eyeing her suspiciously. She let Madi go, looking at Ember expectantly. Ember moved slowly, giving Clarke a tense hug. "You're doing the right thing, Clarke."

She had meant in letting Madi and Ember go help their people, but when Clarke nodded slowly and said, "I know," She knew that Clarke was talking about something else. Before Ember could tell what was happening, Clarke reached up and clicked one of the shock collars around Ember's neck.

Ember stepped back in shock. "I will not let you two die in this war."

"That's not your choice," Ember spat. "And we don't have time for this. Come on, Madi."

Into The Woods- Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now